This is a song about my current girlfriend and I hope y'all don't mind if it sucks cause this is off the top of my head
My baby my love you will never see the end of my love oh how you shine oh how you smile laugh and cry you'll never stop being the way you are your my perfect little angle...
Almost too much for me... Never gonna stop loving you! I'm the demon your the angle we are forbidden but yet so perfect
Just please don't hurt yourself and don't kill yourself for somthing you couldn't stop...I'll do anything for you to stop... I need you in my life just please don't leave me again it destroyed my mind I went insane and I cut my arm
Sorry if it sucks everyone this is literally off the top of my head thanks for reading!
MY short songs
Поэзияthis book I'm writing is songs ive come up with or requested to write through small ideas and anyone can give me a request they are all rock songs and ill have contests to see who ill dedicate a song to and if you win ill need you to to send your na...