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Fernando's Pov
Dating said has been a dream come tru.  We play with our peepee sticks together, we like to watch Donald Trump interviews while doing it. When we're about to cum, we scream "HAIL DONALD TRUMP THE GREATEST MAN TO EVER LIVE." But don't worry we haven't done "it" together, we're waiting till marriage because I love Jesus.
Saids the sweetest guy I know, and he's funny. The best part about him is he's short, and you know what they say about short guys. They shorter they are, the bigger squirter they are. Plus He has a very nice round butt and nice legs. His husky voice is so Ugh, I can't even with how sexy he is.

Saids Pov
I wove fernando so much. He so sweet and quirky. His jokes are the best, he can be such a jokester. He's a Beautiful Asian man and rlly hot. 10/10 would succccccc dry. Plus dat butt is mad sexy. I've dated people before but no ones like fernando. Most of them were girls so I was never really into the relationship, and there was one guy named Derrick but when he laughed he sounded like he had autism and he had lego hands. No one wants lego hands around their peepee.
I'm going to go meet fernando at his apartment off campus, no one can know we're together. I don't care about other people but I don't want people to harass him. I wove him so much.

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