Part 1

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You both hit your high as Jimin plunged into you once more, sending ripples of electricity down your spine. You both collapsed onto the bed when he pulled out his slowly softening length out of your warm juices. You had been dating Jimin for 6 months now. You had never been happier, he was the one you had been waiting for you were sure of it. You thought about how much you loved him as he took you into his sweaty embrace and whispered the sweet "I love you" you enjoyed hearing fall from his soft lips that you kissed eagerly mumbling against him the same words over and over. You had met at college, he was a friend of your friends and you had slowly fallen for each other, before you actually having the guts to ask him out. It was a classic romance, the type you would hear of over and over again, but the relationship you had with Jimin was different to the ones you had with your last couple of boyfriends, you felt complete with him by your side. After a while of cuddling, you got up. It was almost 10 am and you had to go to work. You loved your work, you were in a library surrounded by books most of the day which was all you ever wanted from a job but leaving Jimin was always hard. He whined as you scrambled out of bed, giving him a last peck before leaving to the shower. You didn't have to undress since Jimin had already taken care of that and stepped in with only your necklace on. You never took it off, never. It once was your mother's, but she had given it to you before you left to study in the city. It meant a great deal to her, she had always worn it and the only time she had taken it off was to give it to you. You thought about her smile and blue eyes as you traced the silver moon in between your fingers. You missed her.
You got out and wrapped yourself in your towel only to find that the door was wide open, you chuckled, "Jimin you could just have joined me instead of opening the door!"
"What are you talking about?" he asked confused.
You entered the room in search of clothes and he was still where you had left him.
"Didn't you open the bathroom door?" you cocked an eyebrow not quite believing what he was saying.
"No I swear I stayed right here, and you're right if I had gone to the bathroom I would have joined you in there, but that's why I stayed here otherwise you would've been late for work." he smirked.
You threw him a t-shirt in the face "I CAN RESIST YOUR CHARMS PARK JIMIN!"
"Not so sure about that." he teased.
You ignored him trying not to get distracted by his bare skin showing from under the sheets.
You had your usual morning breakfast together and you left the flat with a smile on your face, like most mornings.
Your car had changed spot again. You had talked about it to Jimin but after having checked multiple times you were sure that no one had touched the car, so you came to the conclusion that you had simply forgotten where you put it, being the tired mess you were coming back from work it was entirely possible but the fact that it happened so often was getting you worried. Strange things kept happening to you and you couldn't find any other explanation than you going completely mad. One morning you even thought you had seen a green tail disappear through your kitchen window with one of your cloths. You brushed it off even though the cloth had disappeared for some reason and told yourself it was a cat or something. You hadn't told anyone about the green tail you had seen but preferred to keep it a secret people would think you were crazy. Your stuff kept going missing and it was like there was another person living with you and Jimin, the idea of a ghost haunting you scared you a bit but you did your best to not believe in stuff like that. You had no proof that such things existed so it couldn't be that. You hoped you weren't mad but you were slowly starting to doubt it.
You tried not to worry too much about your car not being in the same place as yesterday and drove off.
When you got to work Amy greeted you with her usual big smile, she was your coworker and over time you two had become good friends since you both shared a passion for well-written books. You admired her, she always had her shit together, she was always healthy and glowed from her well spent nights. Her hair was always perfectly combed and her whites shoes were always as good as new. The only thing you had but she didn't was a stable relationship, she always had a different boyfriend and you had gotten used to helping her go through her tough breakups, picking her from a corner of the library and wiping her tears away. You would sit together with cakes and lots and lots of coffee as she told you about everything. You were always there to listen, she looked better after and seeing her in such a state made you feel bad. You enjoyed bringing happiness to others so if listening to her ramble about her stupid ex brought back her sparkling white smile so be it.
Your day was going well the library was quiet, and you had spent your afternoon drinking coffee and chatting with Amy while organizing the bookshelves. It was now late in the afternoon and you both were sitting behind the counter waiting for the day to end as the door opened. A young man walked in, his golden skin glimmered in the red glow of the sunset through the windows. He laid his big brown eyes on you and you exchanged a stare before he headed to the history section.
"Oooo, I think that handsome guy kind of likes you!" Amy teased.
"Don't be silly Amy, you were probably the one he was checking out" you chuckled.
"Come on he clearly stared at you you dumbass!"
You laughed "Yeah sure.." as you took a pile of books to go put away with you.
The pile was quite tall and you could barely see where you were going. You arrived down aisle B, and started tidying them up. You struggled as you tried to reach a high up shelf without making the books fall and you with them.
"Is it her?" you heard a strange voice whisper behind you.
"Yes, I'm sure of it."
You were eavesdropping but the sound of the voices chatting behind you intrigued you. They didn't sound quite human, there was something about them that ringed a bell but you didn't quite know what.
"You're talking crap again Beryth!"
"No, I'm not you stupid son of a bitch! Look at her necklace!" the voice grunted. You couldn't help but think they were talking about you so you snapped around to get a look at who was talking.
"She's seen us!" they squealed, all you saw was a flash of green and red and before you knew it you had crashed down to the floor.
"For fuck's sake." you mumbled as you started to pick up all the books scattered across the floor. Who was that? You wandered, or rather what was that. It couldn't have been anything human, not to be able to send you flying to the floor without you even seeing them. Maybe it was a figment of your imagination but the push you felt on your shoulder was all too real. Your hand rubbed your grazed skin, whatever it was it had claws. You started to get scared at the thought of something supernatural happening to you. You never liked not being able to explain a certain situation and right now you couldn't think of anything rational. You were lost in your thoughts as you saw a figure drop down in front of you. It was the man from before hand. His deep scent invaded your air pipes and you found yourself staring at the beautiful person crouched down in front of you busy picking everything. His hair seemed to shimmer in the light and he looked like the reincarnation of light itself. He looked up at you and once again you both stared at each other in the eyes for what seemed a bit too long. Embarrassed you shot up, and he handed you the books without another word. Before he turned around to leave you couldn't help yourself but notice a golden pendant around his neck, a golden sun sparkling as he swiftly turned around. You had seen that sun before, but you didn't quite know where.
You walked back over to Amy after having been done with your task, and she mocked you for the hazy look you had on your face. You couldn't blame her you had been lost in your thoughts ever since the two things had pushed you over. That evening you couldn't get his face out of your head. Where had you seen that necklace? What were those voices? Why did you feel drawn to that man for some reason? Nothing seemed normal, and you were slightly afraid of what all this meant. You were pretty sure you were losing your mind by now.
It was spring and Jimin and you were packing up your stuff to go and see your mum. You were happy to finally leave this place, hoping to be able to forget all the weird stuff that had happened to you lately. You both got into your car and headed off out into the countryside. You had your crazy blue sunglasses on, and you blasted your favorite music with the windows wide open. You were singing and dancing to the beat, Jimin's eyes were into soft crescent moons as he smiled at you. The sun was in your faces but you didn't care because the true sun was sitting next to you, as cheesy as it sounds Jimin really did enlighten your life. On your way to your mum's all you wanted to do was to stop the car and jump right on him, to taste every bit of the man you loved but you held back from your envies and brushed his soft skin from time to time. His hand on your thigh as you drove was enough for you to get flustered, he had that effect on you even after dating for so long you still felt like a teenage girl getting intimate with her crush. You finally arrived in front of the big stone house you knew so well, as you parked outside of the front gate your mum came to greet you both, her usual smile put on as she saw you both. You and Jimin both knew that she didn't like Jimin, you never really understood why but she never seemed to like any of your boyfriends. In fact, it felt like it wasn't the boyfriends she didn't like but rather the fact that you had a boyfriend. Didn't she want you to be happy?
You all pretended as if everything was fine even if there was a certain tension in the air as she embraced Jimin. The concern of whether or not this was a good idea was probably written all over your face and he gave you a small reassuring smile over her shoulder.
Your vacation had been going well so far you were making the most of the longer days and soft sunshine caressing your faces through the windows in the morning. The smell of coffee and cut grass reminded you of your happy childhood. Most people thought you had a sad time when you were a kid since you didn't know your father, but surprisingly enough they were wrong. You didn't think about it much as a kid because you didn't know him it wasn't as sad, your mum never talked about him. You had asked so many times before about what he was like but all she would say was "He was the moon of my night dearest." and her eyes sparkled. She still loved him and you knew it by the look on her face. You still had vague memories of him he only left you when you were 3 years old. You remembered his soft smile and big hands, you remembered the love he gave you and that was enough for you.
You smiled as you reminisced the past in Jimin's arms on the lawn and in the end you couldn't have wished for a better life.
That evening you were all sat at the table but something was off, your mum was in a bad mood and you knew it by all the remarks she made to Jimin. She was just plain rude and you didn't know what was going on. "Mum.." you would hiss, but it didn't stop her.
"Jimin, instead of doing nothing as per usual could you be useful and go and get the salad dressing?" she snapped and Jimin obliged.
"Oh, I guess it's Jimin's fault your flat is a mess."
"No mum it's really not, I just keep leaving my stuff all over the place." you would try to defend him but she would refuse to listen to you, "Nonsense! I know how tidy you are!"
Jimin would wince every time but stayed quiet being too polite to say anything. You wished you could butt in but she wouldn't listen. You didn't understand why she was being like this all of a sudden, something clearly was wrong but you couldn't put your finger on it. You tried to make it through supper without a fuss but then she blurted out, "Dear, are you sure he is he man for you? You don't seem fit for each other."
That was it. She had said too much, Jimin swallowed back his anger and got up from the table in silence. He was pissed.
"Seriously hun, I'm really not sure that he making you happy."
"Mum, please stop." you muttered.
"No, he is not good enough for you." she persisted, and all you could see was the sadness hid behind her eyes. You felt your heart sink a bit further at every word and in the end you left her there and joined Jimin in your bedroom. To your surprise, his eyes were slightly watery, and he glared at you as you sat down by him on the bed. "I'm sorry.." you whispered.
"No your not." he grunted.
"What do you mean? Of course I'm sorry." you looked at his face trying to understand where this was coming from.
"You didn't even defend me." he muttered, he looked hurt.
"Jimin.. she's my mum.." you sighed, how could you explain? She was your mum and you could never see yourself telling her off, not after all she had done for you. You had too much respect for her to say anything.
"I know she's your fucking mum, but you have at least said something to her! Unless,.." he paused and the pain in him was pouring out of every inch of his skin and it cut deep into you when you looked at his scrunched face. "Unless, you agree with her... Do you think I'm not good enough Y/N?"
You couldn't believe what he was saying, did he really think a word of what he just said?
"No! Never Jimin I love you more than anything don't you say that!" Did he not see how much you loved him? You had never loved someone like him, he made you happy and more. You loved him with every inch of your soul, you thought he knew that.
"Then make me believe it Y/N! All I do is give and you don't even defend me in front of your only parent! Do you know hard it is? I thought you could have at least done that for me.."
His words were hitting you hard, and you reached for his cheek but he got up.
"I'll sleep next door tonight." he muttered a tear running down his face.
"Jimin, no, I.."
"It's best for now.." and he shut the door behind him.
You collapsed "he didn't even let me explain.." you whimpered. It was hard seeing the one you loved in so much pain, what hurt you more was that you were the cause. It was your fault. You should have stood up to your mum. You should have said something. He was in the room next to yours and you knew he could hear you crying through the thin walls, but you didn't care. You took out your old dolly, the pink soft doll you had as a child and you held it tight in your arms as you waited for sleep to take a hold of you. "Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day." you sniffled as you dozed off without Jimin's warm arms around you.
In the middle of the night you woke up to some scrambling noises, you thought it was a mouse and you were ready to get rid of it before your eyes fell upon a strange creature on your bedside table. It was emerald green and the size of a rat, his eyes were icy blue as it glared at you. You froze, unsure if you were hallucinating. His scales glistened in the moonlight, he had a long tail like a lizard with a fluffy red end. You couldn' decide if you found it pretty or ugly, as you both inspected each other. As you looked a bit closer you saw that in between his long claws was your necklace. Your hand flew up to your throat, and you gasped as you realised he had taken it off from you in your sleep. You threw your sheets off of you ready to pounce onto the strange creature to get it back. It gave you a big white smile that went up from one side to the other of it's flat and large scaly face, and it flew away. It didn't have any wings but it was gliding on air, and you were sure you were dreaming. Either way, it still had your necklace so you dashed out of the room and followed it. The flash of green went down the corridor and a staircase had appeared at the end of it, you had never seen it before but when you saw the creature go up them you didn't hesitate a second before engaging yourself into the climb of the steep wooden stairs. You got to the top of them following the devilish laugh of the green thing, and you found an old wooden door slightly opened awaiting you. If that was where the green rat had gone you had to go inside, even if the looks of the old door weren't very appealing. Taking your courage you stepped inside the room, prepared to jump onto the thing and finally get your prized possession back but the room was empty. There was nothing apart from dust and a single big mirror. You stared at it, puzzled, the creature had disappeared and there were no other openings than the door you had just came through, you would have seen it if it had come back out that way. You looked around for a crack in the wall but there was nothing, the walls were well sealed. Your gaze turned back to the gold and silver mirror standing in the middle of the room. It was as if it had been waiting for you all along. You were captivated by it, to your surprise your reflection was not showing in it. You approached it slowly scared of what could happen if you let your guard down the closer you got the more you could see trails of blue light spiraling in the center of it. You couldn't turn away, not now there was something about it that kept pulling you in. You were inches away, the spinning trails of light were getting stronger as if they were agitated by your presence and a deep voice called for you "Come." they whispered, and your body was pulled forward as you fell into the mirror.

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