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The man standing infront of me was none other than THE LUCAS GONŹALEZ, the one who broke my heart. The father of my kids.

"good morning ladies and gentlemen, I'm lucas gonźalez this company's nee CEO and i want everything perfect or you're fired. I want perfect performance from each one you. Tomorrow there will be a party in company's hall, all of you should be there and enjoy for the company's since it is this company's 15th anniversary and again I expect best from each one of you. I also want head of each department in my office right now" he said with so much ease and confidence. All were intimidated from his speech as well as his cold, dangerous looks and personality. Girl's were already drooling at his looks and his fine Spanish accent.

I however loathed this man. I still remember the words he said to me.
Now I have to meet him in his office since I'm the head of designing department.

I stood up and went inside the lift and pressed his office floor button. There were four other person with me in the lift. One of them was my friend Edward, he is the head of styling department.

"what does he want from us?" Edward asked.

"who knows" i said and then the lift opened. We all walked out and knocked on his office door.

"come in" he said and we entered.

"have a seat and introduce yourself to me" he said without looking at us. We all sat and one by one everyone introduced themselves. I was the last in four of us and now it was turn. My palms were getting sweaty and heartbeat was racing from this nervousness.

"my name is serenity luna knight and I'm the head of designing sector"i said and as I said his name his head shot up and he stared at me with a smirk. He was looking at me like he knows everything about my life and my secrets.

"serenity what a pleasure to see you again " he said giving me a smirk.

"you know him?" Edward asked from my side.

"just a mere acquaintance" i said.

"i think we were more than acquaintance but nonetheless i want you all to send me a report about sector's progress and all the other records about the project this Friday. That will be all and miss.knight i would like you to stay back, I want to talk to you about some matters" he said and in a second all of them left while I sat infront of him quitely.

"meet me at lunch" Edward said before leaving and i said giving him a smile. I turned to see lucas who gazing intensely at me. I cleared my throat to break his intense gaze at me.

"so from a waitress you have become head in designing at such a big company I see. Did you sleep with your boss too to come at this level?" he asked coldly and sat their quitely, controlling myself not to cry infront of this bastard.

"I'm actually suprised you didn't pounce on me like you used to or opened your legs for me" he continued his rant but I didn't said anything. I just don't want to open my mouth and say something that I would regert. Especially telling him aboutb his unknown kids.

"why so silent miss.knight? Don't you have to tell me about anything important?" he asked raising his voice this time and i fliched.

"tell me" he roared banging the table with his fist and i quickly stood up to get out of his office. But when I tried to turn the knob of the door it didn't move. Then I remembered this office had remote control locks. Lucas must have have locked the door.

As i turned around, i gasped when I saw lucas standing just infront of me.

"aww can't open the door darling" he made tsk tsk sound and laughed darkly. I was totally scared of him right now because of the way he was behaving. I was feeling like a prey and he was the predator, looking ready to kill me.

"what do I have to tell you?" I tried to speak loudly but it came out as a whisper.

Then suddenly he harshly pinned me to the door while holding my hand beside my head in a tight grip which made me wince.

"you're hurting me Mr.Gonźalez?" I said and he leaned forward his soft warm lips brushed mine.

"don't you want to tell me about my kids serenity" he said in a furious tone i looked up at him shocked. How the hell does he know about my kids.  

"wha..t a.re yo.u talk..ing ab.out?" i said stuttering

"stop aciting. you know what I'm talking about. And if you couldn't understand then maybe I should remind you that I'm talking about Luciano and elsa, my kids" he said stepping back.

"they are not your kids you're just a sperm donor you moron and nothing else" i screamed at him when he addressed my kids as his.

Then I heard a crash and saw everthing which was on his desk now on the floor.

"you are the one who never told me about them serenity" he yelled with rage clear in his eye's.

"you were the one who forced me to do this. You used me. You just wanted sex that's why you took me, a waitress to a dinner so that you can get in my pants. And I was stupid to allow you. After that night I went to your hotel room to tell you but you were obviously busy having sex with another woman and don't you remember what you said. You were the who made me realise my place in your life. You yourself said that I was just a quick and easy fuck for you, nothing else. You took my virginity and made fun of it. So tell me why do you think I would have told you. And about me being head at designing sector is beacuse i studied for it. I was studying in a university with part time waitress job at hotel when I first met you" i said more like yelled while breathing heavily. Tears were flowing down my cheeks.

"but you could have told me" he said with clenched jaw, he was trying hard to control his anger.
But before I could say anything a knock on the door interrupted us.

"come in"  Lucas said opening the door lock with the remote and then a girl walked in more like a blonde bimbo.

"honey, I'm your fiancee why don't you give me time. You always do work work work" she said going towards him ignoring me and the messed up room and kissed his cheek while giving me a disgusted look. I can't believe he's engaged and to such a woman but I can't judge.

I quickly wiped away the Tear's which were threatening to fall.

"i would leave now Mr.gonźalez" i said and before he could say anything I left the room. I took the kids from the daycare and left the office for the whole day asking for a sick leave. I just couldn't stand that man but when his lips brushed mine. A warm sensation crossed my heart. I need to stop thinking about him. He's engaged and he's my past.

I just need a long warm bath right now and since kids are already sleepy beacuse of playing all morning it wouldn't be difficult for me.

(lucas gonźalez above)

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(lucas gonźalez above)

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