Chapter 1: A Hostess Joins the Host Club

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“Hey, you. Do you know where Music Room 3 is?” A small elementary school aged boy asked pulling on the ugly yellow dress the school thought would be good to use as a school uniform

“Yes, why?” I asked the boy

“Could you take me there?” The boy asked getting extremely inpatient

“Sure, but it’s abandoned… I don’t see why a little kid would want to go there.” I said mostly to myself as I walked in front of him letting my pigtails bounce with every step I took

“I don’t have a lot of time. Could you hurry up?” The boy said irritably

“S-Sorry…” I said picking up the pace and finally standing in front of the door

“Is this it?” The boy asked. I nodded and was about to walk away when the boy opened the door and rose petals were thrown in my face

“Hikaru…? Kaoru…?” I asked noticing my brothers dressed like Arabian princes

“It’s just a kid…” Hikaru said

“And Hibiki…” Kaoru added

“Tell me, what brings you two to my palace?” The blonde sitting on the chair in the middle asked

“Are…you the king of this place?” The boy I helped asked

“What is this place…?” I asked mostly to myself while looking around the room

“Come closer, children.” The blonde said

“H-Hi…my name’s Hibiki…”I said bowing quickly

“I am the king! The King of the Host Club!” He sang with sparkles in his eyes

“I’m an Elementary 5th-year Shiro Takaoji.” Shiro said with determination

“It’s nice to meet you, Shiro.” I smiled. I felt extremely out of place, but I wanted to be nice

“I want to be your apprentice!” Shiro declared ignoring me

“Can I be a host…er…hostess?” I mumbled

“You can’t be a hostess!” Hikaru yelled

“Why not?” I whimpered

“Do you two know her?” A girl dressed as a boy asked

“That’s our sister.” Kaoru said turning to look at the girl

“I’m Hibiki Hitachiin. It’s nice to meet you.” I bowed again hoping she wouldn’t ignore me

“I’m Haruhi Fujioka. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled

~Time skip~

I watched from afar as Tamaki-senpai and Shiro took care of a guest with Kyoya-senpai and Haruhi.

“Did he really have to have Shiro sit so close?” Haruhi sweatdropped

“Tamaki believes that things become more beautiful the closer they are viewed. Tamaki seems to live by that theory.” Kyoya-senpai explained

“Are things around here always this weird?” I asked tilting my head to the side a bit

“Yup…” Haruhi sighed. Next thing I knew, my brothers were being incestuous

“This is beyond weird…” I deadpanned

“Are you a cross dresser?” Shiro asked bluntly

“Even if she was, she’s the nicest cross dresser I’ve ever met.” I nodded to myself, but something about how desperate they were about to shut us up about it made me think there was more to it.

“Now be careful. It’s pretty heavy, okay?” Haruhi said giving Shiro a tea set according to Tamaki-senpai’s orders.

“It’s not my fault I dropped it. It’s your fault because you made me take it in the first place.” Shiro huffed after dropping and making the tea set shatter to the floor.

“Haruhi…That’s another 100,000 yen.” Kyoya senpai said writing something down in that notebook he carries around

“So, that’s what you cross dressed for…It makes sense now…” I nodded to myself

“You should make her do all the chores!” Shiro cried trying to avoid my brothers’ and Tamaki-senpai’s glares and pointing at me

“I guess I could do the chores, since I haven’t really done anything…” I said picking up the tray and placing broken pieces of porcelain on it.

“You won’t get anywhere with that attitude, and I will not let you disrespect Haruhi and Hibiki like that. Put this brat in isolation!” Tamaki-senpai
said with his eyebrow twitching

“You got it, boss!” My brothers said in unison letting a huge, metal cage trap Shiro in the middle of the room

“Where’d you get the cage from…?” I gasped

“This is supposed to be a music room, right?” Haruhi sweatdropped

“This is no way to treat your loyal apprentice! Let me out!” Shiro cried from inside his time-out cage

“Not until you’ve learned your lesson.” Tamaki-senpai sighed taking a sip of tea

“I’m going to run out of time…can’t you please teach me?” Shiro pleaded

‘Run out of time?’ I thought to myself replaying the words in my mind trying to figure out what he’s really doing this for

“Please help me be like you! You’re a genius! You’re the king!” He yelled again catching Tamaki-senpai’s attention

“You might be a brat, but I admire your desire to become a host, so I’ll teach you. You know, Shiro? You and I are a lot alike.” Tamaki-senpai

“You poor kid…” Haruhi mumbled

“Oh…I know why you changed your mind so fast! It’s because he called you a genius! You must not get that a lot do you?” I giggled

“Then, you’ll help me become the kind of host that can make any woman happy?” Shiro asked still holding onto the bars of his cage

“Of course, making woman happy is the sole purpose of being a host. If this is what you both really want, you’ll have to use the material you already have.” Tamaki said

“What does that mean?” Shiro asked

"You see, here at the Ouran Host Club, our policy is to use our own individual personality traits to meet the needs of our guests. We have a perfect blend of characteristics, so it might be hard to find a type to match the two of you.” Kyoya-senpai explained

“If you go by his age he should be the boy-Lolita type…” Hikaru started

“But, Honey-senpai’s already got that covered.” Kaoru finished

“Is he going to replace me?” Honey-senpai asked crying animated tears

“Oh, come on! Is that all you got?” A girl said from somewhere beneath us and the ground started to shake

“Earthquake!” I screamed hiding under a table

“No, that’s just Renge…” Haruhi sweatdropped

“How big is she?” I shivered until I saw a platform coming out of the ground

“Isn’t this supposed to be a music room?” Haruhi sighed

“Come on, boys. What’s with the lackluster character analysis? I must say, I’m quite disappointed. I thought I taught you better.” Renge shrugged

“Okay, how would you work them into our collection of characters?” Tamaki huffed

“You just don’t get it do you? Now listen up! A lot of girls have things for boys with babyfaces, shota fans, some like sweet little boys like honey or
naughty boys, which is what Shiro will be. As for Hibiki, her brothers are the little devil type, so naturally they’ll need a counterpart. She can be the innocent type since she’s so small, shy, and cute.” Renge explained

“I’m not that short…I’m 5”2’…” I mumbled, but was ignored

“Alright! Now, Hibiki you practice making adorable faces with Honey, and Shiro…run like a spoiled child!” Renge ordered

“Okay, Hibi-chan! Let’s eat some cake!” Honey-senpai cheered

“Yay! Cake!” I cheered and sat at a table with him and Mori-senpai

“You have to eat it cutely. Like this! Ahhh- um! Hehe!” Honey-senpai cheered

“My turn! Ahhh- um! It’s so good~” I sang

“You’re good! Right, Takashi?!” Honey giggled followed by one of Mori-senpai’s grunts

“I’ve had enough of you people! This is so stupid! None of this is ever going to make her happy…” Shiro yelled before running out the door

“So, it is a girl…” I thought out loud with a mouth full of cake

“Younger boys are good for nothing. I went through all that trouble to coach him, and he quits.” Renge sighed before getting on her platform and
going under the club again

“How does she do that? Does she have a remote or something…?” I asked Mori, but he just grunted

“Didn’t you hear what he said? He said he’s running out of time. What do you think he means by that? I think it might be a girl.” Haruhi asked

“So, you were thinking that too? I thought something was weird, and that this cake is delicious!” I mumbled

“Hm.” Tamaki-senpai sighed

~Time lapse~

“Wow…it feels good wearing my middle school uniform again!” I cheered twirling the skirt around

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Haruhi whispered

“This makes it easier to sneak in, and wearing this uniform makes me feel like I’m in elementary school.” Honey-senpai whispered back

“I can understand you, but why are Hibiki and I in middle school uniforms? We stick out like a sore thumb!” Haruhi whispered

“That’s true. This may not have been the best idea…” I whispered jumping behind the wall Haruhi was hiding behind when I realized the height

“Come on!” Honey-senpai said dragging Haruhi and me by the arm

“Does anyone else get the feeling we’re being watched by perverts?” I asked looking around and seeing Tamaki-senpai’s beet-red face, “Oh…I get it
now.” I giggled

“This is Shiro-chan’s classroom. This used to be my classroom when I was in elementary school!” Honey-senpai cheered running to the back of
the room

“I remember elementary school…” I mumbled to myself


“Aren’t you Hikaru and Kaoru’s sister?” One of the girls asked

“Yup! I’m Hibiki!” I smiled

“You must be like your brothers. They’re so weird…” Another girl said

“I’m not weird…” I mumbled walking over to my brothers who sat at their desks by themselves playing a game

“Hikaru…Kaoru…can I play with you?” I asked

“What?” Hikaru said with his attention still on the game he was playing

“No, go play with someone else.” Kaoru said watching Hikaru play

“But, no one else wants to play with me…” I whimpered before sitting back down at my desk and putting my head down

~End of Flashback~

“Get down!” Haruhi whisper-yelled pushing my head down beneath the desks

“S-Sorry…” I stuttered finally hearing someone’s footsteps going down the hallway

“Okay, he’s gone. But, guys, we came here to get the scoop on Shiro, what do you think we should do now?” Haruhi said

“Well, this might be something interesting.” Kyoya said from across the room in front of some pictures

“Look, Shiro’s playing the piano.” I smiled

“He looks happy. It’s nice to see him with a smile on his face.” Haruhi said, and we all walked to the classical music club

“There he is! There’s Shiro-chan!” Honey-senpai pointed inside the room where Shiro sat on the window sill looking out the window. A girl walked
up to him and talked to him for a while before sitting down at the piano and playing.

“I know this song…” I mumbled

“You play the piano?” Haruhi asked in the window next to me

“Uh-huh.” I nodded


“Kazuma! That’s a really pretty song you just played. Can you teach me?” I asked the short boy playing on the grand piano

“Sure, but you might want to start with something a little easier. I promise I’ll teach you when you get good enough, okay?” Kazu said

“Okay!” I sang sitting next to him on the piano bench. We practiced for the whole semester until Kazu finally decided I was good enough to learn
how to play it.

“Alright! You learned even faster than I did!” Kazuma laughed

“Does that mean you’ll teach me to play the song now?” I asked eagerly

“Yup!” Kazu nodded, but he never got to. He had to move to Britain the following day


“But, Kazu…you promised…you’re my only friend…you can’t leave.” I sniffled looking at my friend from his car window

“My parents told me we were moving to London when I got home yesterday. I’m really sorry…” Kazu sighed

“Are you coming back?” I asked

“My dad said we won’t come back for a while.” Kazu frowned

“It’s okay. I’ll just learn it from you when you come back.” I said trying to cheer him up and fool myself

“I promise.” He said holding out his pinky finger

“Promise.” I smiled linking mine with his

~End of Flashback~

“Hina has to move away soon. Her dad just got a job in Germany, so they have to move there at the end of the week.” A little girl explained

“What do you think you’re doing?! I want you idiots to leave immediately!” Shiro yelled from the doorway

“Not enough time, huh?” I mumbled to myself while watching Tamaki-senpai throw Shiro over his shoulder and walk back to the high school with
all of us.

~Time skip~

“What’s your problem you big idiot?!” Shiro yelled after being thrown onto one of the host club’s sofas

“I’m sorry, but you’re the idiot.” Tamaki said

‘It’s hardly the time to be polite don’t you think senpai?’ I thought to myself

“You don’t want to be a host that makes all women happy. No, you want to make one girl happy, and that girl is Hina Kamishiro. You need to tell
her how you feel.” Tamaki-senpai yelled

“It doesn’t matter. I just wanted to hear her play again.” Shiro sighed

“The piece she played was Mozart’s Sonata in D Major for two pianos isn’t it?” Tamaki-senpai asked walking over to the curtained part of the room

‘Why didn’t I think of that?!’ I thought inside my head, but actually facepalmed earning a confused look from Haruhi.

“Wait a minute…since when is there a grand piano in here?” Haruhi asked

“Well, it is a music room.” My brothers shrugged in unison followed by the rest of the host club before Tamaki-senpai started playing Kazu’s and
my song…

“It’s prettier than I remember…” I smiled with my eyes closed

“What are you talking about?” Hikaru asked

“You’ve been mumbling nonsense since we went to the elementary school.” Kaoru added

“Me? Oh, I had a friend who was supposed to teach me this song, but had to move before he got the chance…” I sighed

“Why don’t you just ask Tamaki-senpai to teach you?” Haruhi asked

“That’s because I promised Kazu he’d be the one to teach me.” I turned and smiled at them once the song finished

~Time skip~

I waited around with the rest of the hosts in one of the two lines waiting for Hina.

“She’s here! Shh!” Haruhi whisper-yelled

“She’s so cute…” I heard Tamaki-senpai and my brothers sigh when the door opened

“Welcome Princess.” We all smiled at Hina

“I present to you, Shiro Takaoji’s piano recital.” Tamaki-senpai said leading her over to the two pianos and sitting her down in front of the one
next to Shiro

 “Let’s play together, Hina.” Shiro smiled with a pink tint on his cheeks to which Hina agreed with a matching blush, and they began to play.

‘If Kazu came back…would that be us? Would we be sitting there having as much fun as they are? Will he really come back?’ I thought starting to
frown at the last thought, but caught myself before anyone noticed.

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