Chapter 10: The Host Club Gets a New Guest

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“Cake~ Cake~ Cake~ Cake~” I sang eating the strawberry shortcake Honey-senpai got me to try at one of the host club’s tables

“Hibiki! You have a guest here.” Kyoya called from across the room at one of the couches. When I finally got over to the couch, a boy with messy black hair and gray eyes looked up at me from his seat

“Hi there! You’re the first one to request me today. What’s your name?” I smiled with a voice like Honey-senpai sitting next to him

“I’m Akio Ichijo. It’s nice to meet you.” Akio smiled shyly

“No need to be shy. I don’t bite, at least, not when I first meet people.” I said with a wink

“Sorry, it’s my first time coming to a place like this. I didn’t even know the host club had a hostess.” He laughed weakly

“I guess not many would. Truthfully, I don’t get a lot of guests, but it lets me get to know the guests I do have even better.” I smiled before pouring some tea

“That’s weird. You’re much prettier than most of the girls that go here.” He said with a closed eyed smile

“Really?” I asked batting my eyelashes a bit, “No one’s ever called me pretty before. T-Thank you.” I said forcing a blush on my cheeks, “I wish other boys were as sweet as you.”

It felt like forever until the host club was finally over with and Akio had to leave. He was really sweet and all, but having Kazu, Hikaru, and Kaoru glaring from behind you for almost an hour gets old really quick.

“This was really fun. Would it be okay if I came tomorrow?” Akio asked standing up from his seat

“Of course!” I smiled as he left

“Who’s he?” My brothers asked appearing next to me with an elbow on each of my shoulders

“He’s Akio Ichijo of Class 1-A. Heir to the Ichijo group, a major shareholder of your father’s software company.” Kyoya-senpai read from the black book he carries around

“He’s in our class?” My brothers and I asked in unison

“That’s what you’re worried about?” Kazu sweatdropped

“Well, I’ve never seen him…” I shrugged

“Us either.” My brothers said

“What are you three talking about? He’s been sitting in front of Hibiki for a while now.” Haruhi said

“Really?” The three of us asked with a slight tilt of our heads to the right

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’s had a crush on her since the beginning of the year.” Haruhi nodded to herself

“No! He can’t have her!” Hikaru yelled wrapping his arms around my neck

“She’s ours!” Kaoru added wrapping his around my neck from the other side

“No, no. The chibi’s mine.” Kazu said pulling me next to him by my waist

“I belong to no one.” I mumbled trying to hide my blush by turning away from them when my phone rang

“Who’s that? You don’t have any friends.” Kazu teased

“Keep it up and I won’t have a boyfriend either.” I said flicking his forehead before checking the caller ID, but I’d never seen the number before

As promised, Akio came back the next day (much to Kazu’s displeasure).

“Hi Akio!” I waved happily reverting back to my cutesy voice

“Hi Hibiki…” He sighed

“What’s the matter? Are you sick?” I asked gently touching my forehead to his

“N-No. That’s not it.” He said slightly flustered at the physical contact

“Well, what’s the matter?” I asked sitting close to him and watching with delight as his face became redder than Tamaki-senpai’s when Haruhi says something nice

“It’s just…When I called you yesterday, you didn’t answer the phone…” I said

‘Is this the creep who called me 50 times yesterday?’ I thought to myself bitterly

“I-I’m sorry. If I’d known that was you, I would’ve answered. Are you angry with me?” I whimpered forcing tears into my eyes

“N-No! I’m not mad at you! I should’ve told you that I got your number and given you mine!” Akio yelled flailing about

“Oh, I’m so glad! I don’t know what I’d do if you were angry with me!” I smiled hugging him and burying my face into his chest

“She’s good…” I heard my brothers say from nearby, so I turning slightly to look at them and shot their own devious look at them

It’s genetic.” I mouthed at them

“We created a monster…” They sweatdropped

“Hibiki!” Kyoya-senpai called from across the room standing with Reiko

“It looks like I’m becoming more popular.” I smiled before getting up and walking over to her

“It seems it’s not just Kazu you’ve been affectionate with.” She said loudly catching Kyoya-senpai’s attention without me knowing

“What do you want, Reiko?” I hissed quietly feeling eyes on me

“I see you’ve met my cousin.” She smirked

“I didn’t know Satan’s spawn could have cousins. The more you know I guess.”

“It seems he’s taken a liking to you. I’d be careful not to break his heart. He doesn’t take heartbreak very well."

“Why are you telling me this? Can’t you just go away? I’m sick of your games.”

“I just thought you might want to know. Oh well, your funeral I guess.” She shrugged before spinning on her heel

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked

“Kyoya, you’d best watch her. I have a feeling that one of your little moneymaker’s will be in trouble soon.” She said and left

“What was that about?” He asked adjusting his glasses

“It’s nothing. I didn’t know Ouran had pests though.” I sighed as agitation seeped through my words

“You should tell Tamaki, he’s related to the principle. He could get rid of it for you.” Kyoya-senpai suggested

“No, I have a feeling that there’s more than she’s letting on. If you’re going to get rid of a pest, make sure you keep them from coming back.” I hissed

“This is new, this devious persona of yours.”

“I’m related to the Hitachiin brothers. Isn’t that to be expected?” I asked with a smile

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