Chapter 2

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" I'm not a wild animal Alexia, I'm a person and I have feelings" I said whilst crying. I needed help at this point in time but I knew when I came here in 8th grade I would get bullied but not by my best friend.

Alexia's pov

So I saw some cut marks on her wrists. I emidiantly told Hillary to stop with the pushing. We walked away slowly as Jessica slid down the side of the lockers crying. It was hard seeing her like this but I don't like her so who cares ?

"I care " said Stacey from behind. "What your Stacey Hilton you can't your to popular" said Alexia. "I may be popular but not a bitch get out of my way Alexia.

Stacey walked past Alexia on her way to get Jessica. Alexia gave a sigh and moved out the way bumping into Hillary which made her sigh.

Alexia watched as Stacey grabbed Jessica's hand and walks towards the principle teacher mr cairns office.

Stacey's pov

"Okay so the only reason I grabbed Jessica's wrist was because I have some scars not only on my wrists but my legs arms and waist" I can't deal any more it's too hard seeing Jessica like this anymore Yeah I have scars but I don't call them scars I call them bad memories" " I can remember being so close too the edge of life it's so hard crying everyday and night it's too hard and I'm telling you it's won't happen to poor Jessica no not this time.

Jessica's pov

"I can't believe Stacey the popular bitch helped me today I haven't cried all day I did notice something on Stacey's wrist don't laugh when I say this but I thing it was a scar I mean I'm no expert but it could be" " when we got into me cairns office Stacey had a tear stream down her face.

The next day Jessica got a Facebook message from Jason the person Alexia was just out of a relationship with. She was overwellmed that he did that. It said "hi Jessica it Jason I don't know f you know me but I'm the person that just got out of a relationship with Alexia Gray, I don't know if you know who she is but yeah I'm not a bd guy ask anyone I did break up with Lucy Walker she was so nice she now goes out with Harry Styles he too popular for me but she's amazing anyway I'm into you like a lot and when you see this message please think about going out sometime like to the cinema or something but yeah thanks for your time"

Jessica's pov

So I thought long and hard about wager Jason said I have decided his is what I'm going to send "hey Jason it's Jessica sure I will go to the cinema with you that be great and yeah ano Lucy walker is really nice I'm so happy about how you feel an when do you what to meet up" I didn't know if that sounded okay but ohh well.

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