Sick Days Part 2

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About an hour later Ivan returned with a bowl of Alfred's favorite soup, chicken noodle. Of course he had to call Alfred's fathers to find out what he liked, then he had to assure them that Alfred was fine and they didn't need to come over. He was walking back to the bedroom with the soup, shivering slightly as he remembered threats made bye Alfred's British father about taking care of his 'baby boy'. He gently nudged the door open and walked in quietly. He sat the tray down on the small bedside table and turned to the sleeping figure wrapped in blankets. He carefully uncovered Alfred's face and moved the washcloth before he felt his forehead, it might just be him but it felt like he was warmer. Alfred leaned into Ivan's cooler hand and sighed. "Dorogoy? Wake up please?" Ivan asked in a soft voice. Alfred blearily opened his eyes and groaned something. "Are you still hungry?" Alfred's eyes shot open at this. "Mm,yeah." He went to sit up some but he couldn't get his arms to function correctly. Ivan smiled and propped him up with all the pillows behind him. Alfred slumped back into them and rubbed his eyes. "Vanya... Can't see..." He mumbled. Ivan took Alfred's glasses and gently slid them onto his face. Alfred blinked a couple of times and smiled slightly. "Thanks..." Ivan picked the bowl up and stirred it to cool it down. He picked the spoon up and held it to Alfred's lips. He turned away. "No... I can feed myself..." He made a whiny noise. Ivan shook his head and gently turned Alfred's head back. "Even if you can, humor me please?" Alfred pouted but nodded anyway. Ivan picked the spoon back up and held it back for Alfred to eat. Alfred opened his mouth and hummed happily at the taste. This continued till about a fourth of it was left. Alfred turned his head away again. " 'm full..." He mumbled. Ivan nodded and sat the bowl down again. Alfred sighed and laid his head back. "Vanya, can you close the curtains.... It's to bright...." He said quietly. Ivan nodded and did so. "You're father is scary." He said softly. "Mm, which one...?" "The British one." Ivan smiled. "Yeah... When did you talk to 'im?" He asked curiously. "I called your parents to see what they did when you were sick." "Oh, m'kay. Can I lay back down...?" Ivan smiled and laid him back out, retucking the blankets. Alfred was soon falling asleep again. Ivan pulled a chair over to the bedside and grabbed his knitting. He sat beside Alfred and waited to be needed again.
Woo hoo! Time to continue this awfulness. I've gotten 17 reads on this book which isn't a lot to some people but it is to me! Thank you!!!!

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