As we walked to my locker I saw that guy again and this time he was starin' contently at me. I just wish that I could know what the heck he was thinking about every time he stared at me. Me and Morgan always said that if someone is staring at you, you look them in the eye and stare at them just like they look at you. So i took the advice and did it. Hehe WRONG FUCKING CHOICE because he started walking over to me still staring might I add.
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The fact that he had braces made him even hotter.Oh shit I forgot he was standing right in front of me now and I cant do anything but stand against my locker and watch him check me out, what i'm frozen what did you expect me to yell at him and tell him to keep his eyes to him self? OK I guess I could.
"Ayo keep your eyes to your self" I said.
"Why would I when your the sexiest thing here?" He said.
MMMMM this boy finna be the death of me. "Maybe because you got another bitch behind you who look like she bouta claw my eyes out with her fake ass nails." , " I don't care about her, so baby you got a name or can I just call you mine?" He said flirtatiously biting his lip. I know this nigga did not, where the fuck did Morgan go? I looked around to be met with absolutely no one here to witness this shit . "Yea I gotta name why, so you can smash then pass me off like i assume you did to that bitch over there and she still aint gone no where so I guess I will" I said then walked away "MY NAME IS Giovanni IF YOU WANTED TO KNOW" He yelled at me. Hmm Giovanni sounds interesting I guess I can dig into that more. More like he wants to dig more into you. WHAT? Eh I guess Ill just head to class now.
My first hour is Algebra 1 ugh math its so gross I hate it I like reading more. As I walk into the class I see seats all over the place me not wanting to catch attention I walk to the back of the class and sit in the corner back close to the window so when I get bored I have something to look at as i'm sitting i feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I take it out and look at the message. Blocked number hmm I've always loved to be nosy so I unlocked my phone and looked at the message,
blocked- You look nice today
Nope I already know who it is and I wish that it was just Morgan texting me from a random phone but she always sends emojis whether fake number or not so I hope its her just joking so I frantically look around the classroom only to lock eyes with the person I wished to never see again...