Easier Than She Thought

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It was near dawn in Shanghai by the time that they got to the hotel. Back in Paris it would be midnight and the students were in a daze-like dream. Alya didn't remember getting to the hotel- but she remembered what she dreamed clearly.

During her dream, Alya was in a small room sectioned off by heavy black velvet curtains. The room was cold and dark; she could feel the marble floor leaching her heat out through her shoes.

A green light flashed behind one of the curtains, sending a sliver of light through the bottom of the drapes.

Alya pulled back the curtain to find- more curtains. Again a light flashed, this time red. She pulled back another drape, then another. She ran through the vast area searching franticly for the lights that were always just out or her reach. She had to find them. She had to find the truth.

A small piercing orange light ignited in front of her. She back peddled in surprise to avoid running into it.

Using dream mentality there was only one thing she could do; she touched the orb of light. Instantly, the light raced up her arm, enveloping her in a warm coating of energy. Alya felt powerful and safe.

She turned to see Nino behind her. Her smile faded when she saw the look on his face. He didn't look like his normal upbeat self. Nino was angry and tired.

Alya tried to ask him what was wrong, but she couldn't speak. Her voice was gone. She panicked- what was a reporter without her voice? Now Alya couldn't breathe. She reached out for Nino, but he wouldn't look at her, his face covered by his hat.

She had no air, no way to communicate, and no one who would help her. The glow faded from her body. She was in darkness.

Alya woke up out of breath, but least she could breathe. She took off the covers over her head, letting cool, fresh air into her lungs.

The hotel room she and Marinette shared was coloured red and orange with intricate gold details.

The sun was high outside the window, indicating it being later in the day. She checked her phone; the time read 2:00p.m. Alya sighed and did the math in her head; Shanghai was six hours ahead of Paris, making it 8:00 back home.

She opened the photo of her and Nino back up. He looked so calm and peaceful sleeping, much unlike he did in her dream. She set in as her phone background, and got up out of bed.

"Marinette, get up girl!" Alya said, yanking the covers off of her friend.

Marinette curled up into a ball from the sudden cold. She covered her face with a pillow and groaned in displeasure.

Alya laughed. "Adrien will probably be up already up..."

Alya laughed as Marinette jolted out of bed. She had never seen the girl get ready so fast. Alya poked her head out into the hallway; the hall seemed much bigger than it did the night before, when she had been half asleep. Alya could smell the food before the two of them had reached the large dining room.

The dining room was a grand, open-concept area; the far wall was mainly made of a huge window that showed a stunning view of Shanghai. The dining room was on the top floor so the students could see most of the city. To the left wall, was a row of booths, were most of the class sat. Opposite to that was the buffet. The dining room was so large that it seemed could probably be changed into a ballroom if needed. In the center of the room were dozens of small tables.

Chloe, sitting at one of the small tables with Sabrina, dabbed her face with a napkin. "Are you two trying to get more beauty sleep? It's not working."

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