A New Start

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"Angel, get up it's time for school" Angel's older sister said, I got up out my bed and went too take a shower i got out and realized  today was the first day of my senior year wow i said quietly too myself i had a towel wrapped around me and i went too my dresser and pulled out some shorts and a cute strapless striped red shirt and my black cover up and i went to my closest and got my red gladitor sandals i got ove rthe summer at some store in flordia when i went to vist my bestfriend that moved there in the 7th grade, I put on my shirt and shorts and grabbed my cell phone "2 missed calls and 6 text messages?" Wow i opened the texts and 3 were from my amazing boyfriend Liam and then 3 from my bestfriend Courtney Headors i loved her she was always there for me when i needed her, Then i had one miss call from Liam and one from my ex Austin , Why? was he calling me i thought too myself well i texted Liam back and said, ''Good Morning '' then i just did'nt text Courtney back ill see her soon enough at school anyway i thought then i grabbed my keys and went too go to my car i got in started it and then went too school when i got there Liam and Courtney were wating for me by the entrance, I whispered too Courtney hat Austin called me last night she said , " Why did he call you he knows that your with Liam now?" I said i dont know i will just ignoure him Liam looks over at us like really? guys leaving me out of it we just laugh at him like something was funny , Then i walk over next too him and i hug him he is truly a sweetie i thought ,We walk into the school and everyone was looking at us like all three of us were crazy I dont know why they were looking at us i mean sure Liam and i were holding hands and he is like the most popular boy in the whole intire high school, maybe That's what they are looking at.    

First period Was Algebra and everyone around me was whispering about me and Liam i heard one girl say , ''Really he is with her? i am prettier then her." i wanted too get up and slap her out of her  seat I was so mad i mean sure im not the prettiest but more boys in this school liked me then she could dream of liking her, I had Long Golden blonde hair and i had blue eyes i had a nice fighure and i did wear a little make up , Anyway class started and as usall like all the other classes i have except for Choir and Band i wanted too fall asleep.  Algebra finnaly ended and i got up and went to Band which was sencond period then i was happy i love band im in pep band marching band and concert band i play trombone and baritone, Liam is in band he plays the drums nad Courtney is too she plays the Clarinet she is one of the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2012 ⏰

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