chapter 7

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quick note before we start,  thank you for being so patient and kind and thank you for over 5,000 reads and all the comments and votes! I LOVE YOU!!



i would have thought that Blake would be back by now but guess not? I really need to talk to him about  that kiss, and why hes being so nice to me

"Hey little bug, whatcha thinkin about?"


"HAHAHA, I've been calling your name for like two minutes"

"oh sorry, I was just thinking"

"about what, Our kiss?" he was saying that to tease me but it was true.

"No just stuff okay?" I said a bit too harshly

"..Yeah okay" he said quietly. Oh no I hurt his feelings what should I do!


"SO let's go get dinner now I'm starving" Oh no he's trying to hide it, god I feel so bad. Now seems like a bad time to talk about it so I'll get Erin's advice later.  We walked to the mess hall and went our separate ways, Blake sat with his lackeys and I found Erin and sat with her and the cheerleader she was partnered with.

"Hey Avery!"

"Hey, you gonna introduce me to your new girlfriend?"

"AVERY!"  "I'm sorry about him." She says apologetically

"Avery, this is Lilo"

"Nice to meet you Lilo"

"Nice to meet you too Avery" she says smiling.  she has dark skin and light brown hair and her voice is deeper than I thought it would be, not that annoying cheerleader voice.

"I've heard you weren't the mega bitch we were expecting"

"Well we can't allll be awful can we?"

"guess not" I say shrugging

"I'm gonna go get my food, I'll be back" lilo said getting up

" we'll be here!"

"Okay while shes gone for a bit tell me what happened with Blake at the river"

"Okay so after we got stuck on the island he was being nice to me and obviously I wasn't going to ignore that because DUH super hot Blake is being nice to ME the guy who he used to bully and ME who still has a huge crush on him despite that, So it started getting late and we decided to cook right, normal stuff, and he tried to teach me and it was really cute, so then we sent a flare off and decided to set up the tent and THATS when things started happening and then we played twenty questions only we didnt finish because h-

"AVERY, get to the point"

"He kissed me" I said quietly


"SHHHH people are looking"

"sorry sorry, I just he kissed you like a make out kiss or like a toddler kiss"

"like a make out kiss"

"oooh look at you avery, GETTIN IT"


"so did you guys say anything after, does he know you like him?"

"No he just went straight to sleep after that, I was thinking about talking to him before dinner but I just got nervous and didnt tell him and just ended up hurt I his feelings..." "what should I do?"

"JUST TALK TO HIM, things are only going to get worse if you dont talk to him and you know it." "if you need to just kiss him again, he probably wants to kiss you again too"

"Okay I'll just give it the Ol' college try!"

"oh my god who says that anymore" lilo says as she sits down

"apparently this middle aged man right here"

"Stop making fun of me guys!"

"aww okay, but only for now"

"RUDE" "Okay you guys I'm done with dinner so I'm going to head back to the room, see you tomorrow?"

"yeah sure, how about you lilo?" Erin asked

"sure you guys are fun!"

"Ok, BYE!" I said walking out of the hall. 

Oh god what am I going to say to him when I get back? I guess I can just ask him why he kissed me, can't be that hard can it?

"hey Blake"

"hey little bug back so soon?"

"You know me, fast eater haha" oh no this is so awkward why can't you just ask him!

"well we have to leave early tomorrow so I'm gonna get some sleep night little bug"

"um blake actually I wanted to ask you...Something"

"what is it you look serious?"

"Um whydidyoukissmeatthecamp"

"what was that little bug?"

"why did you kiss me at the camp" I say quietly

"Because you were cute"


"come here" he says patting next to him on his bed. I decided to go I've even though I was really nervous. He chuckled when he saw my face, god that was so cute

"Listen Avery I like you, I have for a long time I just.. I dont know"

"so why did you bully me all those years!" "I've liked you for a long time and i thought you hated me?!" "What the hell??"

"wait you like me?"

"No no no no no first you explain, you dont get to turn the spotlight on me."

"When I saw you I felt so weird and wonderful and you were just so hot y'know" he chuckled after saying that an I feel myself start to blush

"That scared the crap out of me Avery, I've never felt like that about anyone before and I hated it because I was to scared to talk to you." "so I thought that if I made you hate me the feeling would go away, or I thought that you would eventually leave and I would get over it but you didn't." "And that night at the camp you looked so cute and happy and bubbly and I loved that, I had to take the gamble kissing you even if you hated me For it."  "But it just felt so good and you looked so hot and I just couldn't Help myself." I'm sorry Avery I'm so so sor-" He was just rambling on and on an then I remember Erin said that if I need to I should just kiss him. And I did just that.


"I'm sorry Avery I'm so so sor-" before i could finish he pressed his lips against mine. At first I was to stunned to do anything but then I realized what was happening and quickly kissed him back. It was different from the kiss at the camp, it was sweet and tender and meaningful. After a bit we parted but I still felt the warmth from his kiss.

"I forgive you"

"Thank you Avery" We just kind of stared at each other for a bit, not awkwardly but i think we were both just admiring each other. I lightly ran my hands through his hair and we both laid down on the bed.



"you're really cute"



"you're really cute too" I kissed his forehead and he kissed my nose and we lay in a comfortable silence until we fell asleep.

1148 words

Hey you guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I love my sappy boys!!! What do y'all think about them finally getting together? Do you like Lilo? Let me know! It really helps.

Anyway I love you all I'll see you next chapter BUH BYE!

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