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Bea's POV

I must've done something because of this morning, as I tried making my way to Jho, she quickly stood up from the table and went to Ate Aly.

She probably had something to say or anything but the case is getting worse and worse. It's like she's avoiding me for some reasons that I'm hundred percent clueless of.

Did I do something?

Thinking of the possible reasons did not help my situation during the training.

"Bea, look out!" I heard Ate Risa yelling at my far right.

As I faced to see what the fuss was all about, a hard and solid force was slammed on my face.

"Ah, screw my head." I groaned, massaging my head where the ball had hit me.

Ej immediately rushed to my side, "Okay ka lang, Bei?"

No shit, Sherlock.

"Yeah, just saw a couple of stars but I'll be okay. Thanks." I smiled, a little disappointed that Ej was the one who came to my aid when I was expecting somebody else. I appreciate her concern but I hoped it was from another person.

Well, I guess that's what I get for expecting too much right?

Ej yanked me up and dragged me to the nearest clinic station.

On our way there, we walked pass Jho who was clearly busy chatting with our teammate and enjoying, completely naive of the fact that her dearest roommate had just been hit by a ball.

I'm forever grateful for her. So thankful.

Ej pulled me out of my thoughts, snapping her fingers on my face.


"Tinanong ka nung nurse kung masakit ba ang ulo mo?" My companion asked in concernment.

I quickly made amends to the nurse patiently standing beside her, waiting for my answer.

As soon as the nurse left us, we directly made our way back to the gym.

"Uy, akala ko ano na nangyari kanina sayo sa clinic." Ej broke the silence.

"Ah, wala yun. Napatulala lang." I tried to smile.

She chuckled, "Akala ko kasi nawalan ka na ng isip eh."

Maybe, I have.

When we got there, our teammates were arranging the balls and fixing the net.

My roommate was nowhere to be found.

Ej turned to me and said, "Kapag anything happens or hurt ha, text me at sasamahan kita ulit sa clinic."

I thanked her for that. Even though she did spend a couple of minutes persuading me, nobody would've had the idea of taking me there nonetheless.

I went to get my bag only to find my sweet and worried as ever roommate sitting on the bench.

"Okay ka na?" She asked.

"No thanks to you, I am." I responded, not looking up at her.

"Concerned lang naman ako."

She could've shown me her concern a while ago, though. I continued gathering my clothes and shoes into my duffel.

"We need to talk."

I stopped.

"May problema ba? Wala naman. C'mon, let's go back."

I scanned the gym. We were the only ones left na lang pala.

I turned on my heel and started to walk away but Jho grabbed my wrist.

"Sorry kanina," She said, with a hint of sadness and guilt in her voice but I didn't budge.

"It's just that..." she started, "Nagtatampo ako sayo kasi kasama mo lagi si Ej."

I looked back at her, shocked.

Is she for real?

"Kasi ano...." she started again but I beat her to it. "You don't need to tell me twice. I won't hangout with her anymore, if that's what you want. I promised you a great friendship and I'm keeping that promise."

She looked shocked and taken aback but her face slowly contracts into the Jho I just met and would love to hangout.

I held her hand once more, carefully inking my words into the deepest depths of her brain and said, "I'm all yours. You won't lose me or our friendship."

And that's exactly, my friends, how I made a deal with the gods.


Okay, let me start this off with a huge apology. Naging paasa nanaman ako. AGAIN. I honestly can't keep up kung ilang times na ako naging paasa. And I'm deeply sorry.

I guess 'di ko kaya ang daily update since I've been doing lots of school works and I've been enjoying the time of my life to the fullest with everything.

Second, I must go back to the old writing style. Hindi ko pala kaya yung na start ko HAHA. Figured it would be a hassle to change course in a river. This chapter is a chapter made out of pressure and impulsiveness so I'm greatly sorry if may mga grammatical errors. I didn't have time to proofread eh.

Third, I'll try writing as often as possible. But this time, no promises na ako HAHAHA. I guess I'm just dealing with a lot of responsibility now and nag promise na ako na mag e-effort na ako this year. Feel ko rin kasi this year would be good for everybody.



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