Her Muse

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May 11, 2017

Bubbles was sitting on one of the solo bus seats, heading to art school. It had been months and she was still stressing over the idea of being late. Her sister Blossom had rubbed off on her. Her feet were propped up on the empty seat in front of her, and her bag was open. Against her thighs was her sketchbook, opened on to a blank page. Well it was.

Against the page were rough lines forming the shape of a man, she tried to make it look inconspicuous that she was looking to her right every couple of minutes, her gaze focusing on the male looking out the window. She didn't know why, but seeing him gave her a flash of inspiration.

By now, the basic head shape had been drawn, along with the hair. She looked over once more to get more details, but instead of seeing the side of his head, she saw him. She had been found out! Her cheeks, ears and neck flushed with colour, now that he knew.

The male smiled and waved, but all Bubbles could do was shrink into her cardigan and cover her face with her sketchbook. She stayed like this until her stop came, where she quickly stuffed her bag with her sketchbook, closed it and rushed out of the bus.

May 16, 2017

Once again, Bubbles say across from the male from a few days ago. She found herself trying to sit across from him, still trying to finish the various pictures she had begun to draw but couldn't finish. Her drawing this time was quick, trying to finish it before she could get caught.

Her art teacher Ms. Keane had noticed the drawings of the stranger and wanted to see a completed one. Thankfully, her teacher didn't ask who the man was. It would be awkward to explain that she didn't know who he was. And this time, she had finished the drawing before he noticed. Her cheeks took a rosy hue and she pressed the book to her lips, before cleaning up her stuff and left the bus, now being noticed by the male.

May 17, 2017

He wasn't there. The stranger wasn't there. She frowned and sat in her usual seat and pressed her lips to the finished (and refined) drawing of the male. She didn't think his presence would be missed as much as it was. It was strange considering the fact she didn't even know who he was.

May 20, 2017

She hadn't seen him since the seventeenth. Ms. Keane had noticed her art was less vibrant, like it had been before seeing the male on the bus. When things got stressed. With her free time, she sat at the coffee shop near campus, waiting for her drink. She was working on one of the unfinished drawings of the male, using the finished one as a reference sheet. "Caramel latte for Bubbles?" A voice asked. It was masculine. Quickly, she walked to the counter and grabbed her drink, only to feel a hand grab her's. She looked up, about to protest when she saw the guy on the bus. She could feel the heat rush to her cheeks. "My shift ends in a few minutes, don't leave." He said before releasing her hand. Still flushed, she quickly sat back down, hiding her face with her book.

The dull noise of a chair moving indicated that someone had sat down. Hesitantly, she peered over the book before hiding behind it once more. It really was him. A soft chuckle rang out, as Bubbles looked over at the blonde male. He was rather cute.

"For someone who's been drawing me for weeks, I didn't imagine you'd be so scared to see me outside of the bus." He mused, gently pulling her sketchbook away from her. Bubbles put up no fight. His eyes scanned over the page she was on before putting it down. He was silent.

"What is it?" She inquired, chewing on her bottom lip.
"It's really good. Near perfect." He replied. "But why me, Bubbles?"
"Ah! Well you were across from me so it was easy..." She replied weakly.
"That's understandable. I'm Boomer by the way. I work here."
"Bubbles. But you knew that already. I go to the art school nearby." Another chuckle.
"I know." He replied. "I see you leaving during my weekday shift."
"Oh..." Bubbles replied softly. Silence once again, became prevalent between the two.

"Ask him. He already knows that you've been drawing him! Asking him to model wouldn't be an issue!" Her brain yelled.
"H-Hey, would you mind possibly modelling for me? I mean if you can!" She inquired, her face bright red. Instead of replying, all she saw was the swift movement of him picking up her sketchbook before feeling something pressed against her lips. It took a moment to realise it was his lips.

They were soft against her own slightly chapped lips, her face turning scarlet. He pulled away and handed her the sketch book and coffee cup. "I'm guessing that you're going to run away now, so I'll see you soon." He mused, leaving the chair.

And just as Boomer predicted, Bubbles stuffed her sketchbook into her bag, threw it over her shoulder and ran out of the coffee shop, and straight on to the bus. Her heart was pounding as she thought back to the kiss. She went to take a sip of her coffee, when she noticed to things that made her blush grow. His number and the words "call me" next to her name.

And with the small courage and crush on Boomer, she pulled out her phone and called him.

— ♥︎ —

This is not canon to Last Thing on her Bucket List! In this story Blossom (and Buttercup) are Bubbles sisters, unlike Bucket List where Bubbles and Buttercup were her friends.

This idea came from a Yuri!!! On Ice comic I found on Instagram (well the bus + art student idea) & the sketchbook kiss is from an episode of Seakiichi Hatsukoi but I don't remember what episode.

I hope you enjoyed and at some point I will do Buttercup and Butch. I'm thinking vampires or werewolves or something. Maybe live streamers. I don't know, but it will happen!

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