Strings attached

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I’m not sure what to do anymore, but sup their kids or i don’t know anymore /Once again/

    -Error pov

    I’ve been making puppet for a while now and I think I’m kind of a pro at it, but lately things have been awful quiet and it’s getting under my glitch--” I felt someone touched my back, it’s weird.. I didn’t move or anything till I heard .. Fresh.. “Sup bro! I saw dat you were all by yo-self and ya look sad” I looked at him “D-D-don’t touch me y-YOU PARASITE!” I moved away from Fresh and mumbled something. Fresh looked at me with a smile and walked up to me “What did I say about calling me a ‘parasite’ i don’t like it” he lost his funky toned voice. I yelled at him “HOW WOULD YOU KNOW FEELINGS?!” Fresh didn’t move or anything, I never saw him like this .. Fresh came closer to me doing his best not to touch me “brah-” “dont brah me” I crossed my arms and moved away with my puppet. Fresh chuckled “Broski why ya gotta be so rude? I’m just here to make you my bestie friend”

Fresh hold out his hand waiting for something, what does he want from me?

“Fresh what do you want? Another host to take? If so I’m not the guy for the job.” I get my blue strings and wrapped Fresh up with them not wanting to talk to him anymore. Fresh looked at me or was he? I can’t tell so much without his sunglasses, he can be looking at the floor for all I know. I slapped them off his face but glitched when I did “That’s totes uncool broski” he said then kept his eyes closed. “O-open them up you par-” “DON”T CALL ME THAT!” heh he’s mad.

    Fresh POV

This isn’t going so good.. My head is buzzing around tryin’ to think. I don’t like this anymore I just wanna do something.

    “Ey Error put me down!” I tried to move around but the strings were getting too tight for me. “Pfft, what happened to your rad self you parasite?’ I shivered when he said that, I hate that word so much he does that to make fun of me.. “....” I didn’t know what to say anymore, I looked at him then the puppet. “Not say anything now? Come on and face me!” He made the strings tighter making me groan in pain “s-stop bro I wanted to tell you some-something..” I started to cry a bit showing that I was weak and couldn’t do anything, heck he can kill me right now..  I felt like a piece of crap now and I didn’t get the moment to tell him my feelings.. “C-come on bro .. Be nice glitch bro” Error looked at me like the parasite I am. “Look who’s weak now ~ The little fresh boy” he wiped my face, I felt his glitches touching me it felt good. After that he tried to reach in my eye socket to pull out me, the parasite “Ahh bro no!” I moved my head away “I don’t like that” I said, Error tried to sugar code it for me and acted all nice.

    Error POV

    Fresh is really pushing my buttons and acting all like big shot.. Or that’s what I think? He’s crying, so does that mean he has feelings? I tried to take out the parasite but he won’t let me. I had an idea.
591 words yay!

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