The Nail Fic

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"Danny. I'm hungry."
"Okay, Philly, one sec... I'll get you some of my cereal." Dan sighed. Every day, every single day, Phil ate his cereal. He was used to it though; they'd been dating since 2009.
     He looked through the cupboards. No cereal. Oh dear. This was bad. Last time there was no cereal, Phil refused to speak to Dan all day.
"Um... Philly..." Dan muttered. Phils angelic voice came from the bedroom.
"Yes, bear?" Dan was worried about Phil's reaction.
"Um... there's... there's no cereal..."
     The bedroom door slammed open and Phil stormed out of it.
"WHAT?" The anger on his face was evident. Dan was nervous. He'd seen Phil angry before... but never this angry. Phil glared at Dan.
"Did you eat it?" He spat. Dan stuttered, not replying.
"Well... yes... it is mine..."
     Phil started to physically turn red with rage. However, he tried to keep his voice nonchalant as he spoke.
"Didn't I tell you things would be very bad if you ate the cereal?" Dan was terrified now and couldn't reply.
"You greedy bastard. You want food? I'll fucking feed you!" Phil shoved Dan onto the floor, causing him to hit his head against the table, cutting it. The blood trickled down the side of his face, as Phil grabbed a rope, taking a rough hold of Dan's wrists.
     He tied Dan to the table, leaving the blood. Then, Phil left the room. Dan thought this was the punishment, being left here. Dan was wrong. Phil came back into the room with a pair of pliers. He walked up to where Dan sat, leaning over and sneering in his face. He gripped one of his nails, and ripped it off. Dan's piercing screams echoed in the large room.
     Phil held the nail in his hand, before putting it right beside Dan's head. He then proceeded to rip the nails out, one by one, taking a sick pleasure in Dan's pain.
"I'll leave those for later." He said, gesturing to the nails, before untying Dan and grabbing his bloody hands. For a moment, a look of sympathy flickered on his face, before it reverted back to the look of hate and disgust. He threw Dan back onto the floor, undressing him, leaving him exposed. He slowly pushed himself inside of him, before speeding up, not bothering to ease into it. When he was done, he threw Dan aside and took hold of the nails.
     "Now, Danny, it's feeding time!" The look of horror on Dan's face only made it more pleasurable for Phil. Dan shook his head, pressing his lips shut.
"Is that the way you're going to play, Danny? Because I'm. Not. Playing." He pinned Dan between his legs, holding his nose. Dan tried to resist but he was close to blacking out and was forced to open his mouth. In the moment that he took a breath, his throat was filled with the sharp shards of his nails, cutting the inside of his throat and leaving the taste of blood in his mouth.
     He was choking, but finally, Phil released him. He pushed his face right up to Dan's and whispered
"Next time it's the teeth."
     He stalked back to the bedroom, leaving Dan lying, covered in blood and tears.

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