A gift

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~Red's pov~

all my life i've been sold to different people, all because i'm a Neko.

Not all of my owners were bad, but not all of them were good either, i've been raped and worked till i couldn't do anything, and now i'm being sold to a man named John, my owner max is giving him to me as a gift, now max is someone i consider a friend, he has no desire to fuck me, and he just kept me for company, and i've heard very good things about John"< now red...if john gets angry, it's not directed at you okay?>" i nodded slightly confused. He sighed an knocked on the door, a very handsome man opened it, his eye were like emerald and his brown hair was fluffy, he had a beard and he was very tall and muscular, the total package, he spoke" Hey max.....oh you brought a Neko......you know how i feel about that max" Master nodded"< actually john....he's for you>" his eyes widened and his voice darkened" Excuse me? i'm not about to have a slave...." Max brought me inside with him"< listen John, i never treated him like a slave, all those cuts you see on him, are from previous owners...he's really nice and>" he whispered something in john's ear, which caused him to blush, i decided to speak" Is Master done?" Max turned to me, he said something and a glow surrounded me and John"< he's yours now john.....i'm sorry but you need him>" Master left me with....New Master.

John's pov

i sighed and looked at the Neko, his skin was smooth and pale, he had curly red hair,and beautiful brown eyes, his clothes were to big for him, which made him even more cute....damnit I've already fallen for him. I sighed and motioned him to come here" yes Master?" i cringed" please don't call me that...call me John" he nodded and stared at me, his ears twitched " can i have your name?" he nodded" my name is Red.......or Michael" i chuckled, he's shy how cute" well red, i'm gonna get you a new tag and Collar,and some clothes, follow me to your room" his eyes widened.

When i opened the door he was hesitant to go in, i frowned" Relax, it's not a closet" he didn't move, i grabbed his hand and pulled him into my chest" hey..i'm not gonna hurt you...okay red? you are not a slave, you are someone who i will never harm" his brown eyes looked into my Green...what was it i was feeling? i shake my head  and lead him into the room" This is your room, you can decorate it how ever you want, my room is just down the hall, if you need anything just let me Know" he nodded and i left to make dinner, this was going to be interesting.

Once dinner was done i went to Red's Room and Knocked" Red? dinner's ready" i didn't hear anything and opened the door, he had fallen asleep on his new bed, his over sized clothes slid down his arms...why does he have to be so cute? i sighed and picked him up, which caused him to open his eyes" Dinners ready, and you need to eat" i put him down and motioned for him to follow me, i sat him in a chair and handed him some Lasagna, he just stared at me once i got my own plate" your aloud to eat it Red, i'm not denying you any food...tomorrow we will get you a new collar and some clothes that fit okay?" he nodded and began eating, his eyes widened as the food entered his mouth" Is it good?" he nodded and swallowed" Best thing i've ever eaten!" I smiled" good, i'm glad you like my cooking" He smiled innocently at me and continued to eat. once we were done eating i began to wash the dishes, Red tugged on my arm" yes?" he looked at me" i can wash them for you...if you allow it" He looked down and i blushed, he was just so Fucking cute" umm sure, you can wash the dishes" he smiled and began washing them while i sat down and found a movie" hey red when your done come here" there was a Mew and i blushed more...so cute. Once he entered the living room, i patted the seat next to me" wanna watch a movie?" he nodded and sat down next to me, i hit play. About half way through the movie, he fell asleep, his cat ears twitching every now and again, i chuckled and pet his head gently" you are so cute" i Picked him up and put him to bed, shutting the door and light, i looked back" Sleep tight my little kitty..big day tomorrow" his soft snores filled the room,and i left, Once i had cleaned every thing, i decided to go to bed, it was almost 3 in the morning, i opened my bedroom door and changed out of my clothes hopping into my bed and pulling the covers over me, i sighed in the dark room, my thought where invaded by a certain red-head just down the hall, i smiled and closed my eyes, Best Birthday gift ever.

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