Save Me Tonight: Chapter 3

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Hey, its Emelia. I am really, really, really sorry it has taken me so long to update. This isn't a very long chapter, and for that I am sorry. I know has been a long time since I have updated. I am going to try to update again later this week or early next week. I would really like to thank everyone who has supported me with this story. It really means a lot to me. :) Please, vote, comment, fan, etc. :) I am very open to any constructive criticism as well. :)


“Hiii, Harry.” Lia stuttered, flushing profusely at the curly haired boy, who still held her hands in a tight grasp. 

“Hey!” Louis shouted, pulling them apart. “No flirting with MY LIA, Haz!” Then he hurriedly dragged Lia out of the Kitchen and around the corner to the living room., Pulling her down next to him on the Sofa. 

“What?!” They heard Harry shout from the kitchen. “Louis! You can’t have her all to yourself. You’ve got to share!” Harry ran into the living room sitting down on the couch on the other side of Lia. 

“NO!! “Louis screamed, yanking Lia away from Harry. “She’s mine! Stay away!”

“Umm....” Lia tried to speak but, her voice was overthrown by Louis and Harry’s squabbling.

“Louis!! She is not just yours. I want her too!” Harry whined, taking ahold of one of Lia’s hands trying to pull her away from Louis. 

“NO!!!” Louis cried again, throwing his arms around Lia.

They came to an abrupt stop at the sound of Liam’s voice, “BOYS! LEAVE THE POOR GIRL ALONE! SHE IS NOT A TOY!” Then Liam took ahold of Lia’s hand pulling her up, away from the squabbling boys. “This is not how we treat our guests, I am very disappointed in you! I thought you boys knew better.” 

“But, but....” Louis tried to protest with Liam, starring up at him with pleading eyes. 

“No buts Louis, you boys’ behavior has been completely unacceptable.” Louis slouched down on the couch pouting sadly. “Lia why don’t you go to the kitchen with Niall and Zayn, you can use the phone to call home. 

“Okay, thanks Liam.” Lia said smiling, then turning to Louis and Harry, giving them small smiles as well. When Louis saw, his face brightened and he sat up straight again.  Harry also sat up giving a smile and winking at her, causing Lia to blush and turn to walk briskly to the kitchen door. But before she turned away she saw Louis glare at the smiling Harry and elbow him in the side. Which madeHarry jump, and flinch at the pain in his ribs. 

“Louis!” Liam scolded him, glaring down at the childish twenty year old.  But louis only shrugged his shoulders and took his phone out of his pocket. 

Lia smiled to herself as she made her way back into the kitchen. These boys were crazier then ever she could have expected.  Crazy, but also Hilarious and extremely kind. 

She walked to the door of the small kitchen. Pushing the door open, she is shocked when the door collides with something on the other side.  Lia jumped back, away from the door as a two loud groans sound through it. Then the door swung open revealing both Niall and Zayn crouched over holding their heads in pain. 

“Ughh.......” Zayn groaned rubbing his head then looked up at Lia. 

Lia couldn’t help but smirk down at them and shake her head.

“How is this amusing?” Niall asked holding his head. “We are in pain here.”

Lia continued to smirk at them. “Weren’t eavesdropping, were you boys?” She asked, her smile becoming more pronounced.”

“Pshhh, of course not.” Zayn responded, but refused to meet Lia’s gaze. Zayn and Niall stumbled back into the kitchen and over to the the freezer where they pulled out ice packs,and leaned over the counter holding them to their heads. Lia smirked, walked over to the counter and sat down in the stool next to Niall. 

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you, and i’m also sorry for laughing at you. I guess I just didn’t realize you boys were so sensitive.” 

Niall jumped up from the stool, dropping the ice pack to the counter. “I am not sensitive! The door just hit me hard. That does not make me sensitive!” 

“Of course not....” Lia murmured smirking at him androlling her eyes. “Anyway, I was wondering if I could use your phone so that I can call mom.” Lia asked, her eyes dropping to look sadly at her clenched hands. 

“Oh yeah, here.” Zayn said, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket and handing it to her. Lia quickly dialed what had just recently become a familiar number into the phone, and held it anxiously to her ear. It rang five times before her aunt picked up.

“Who the hell is this?” Came her aunts gravely voice through the other end causing Lia to flinch. 

“It’s Lia.” She said, her voice shaking. 

“Calia! Where the f**ken hell are you?” Her aunt screeched into the phone.

“I- I am at a friends.”

“You better come home, right this instant. I can’t believe how selfish you are.”

“I’ll be back soon.” Lia murmured in a broken voice, and ran a shaky hand through her tangled hair.  

“You better, or you’ll get it. I am sick and tired of your disrespectful behavior!” her aunt screeched then hung up. Lia swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat, choking back the tears that were threatening to brake free. She slowly put the phone on the counter. Her hands were shaking. Lia could feel a tear slowly stream down her cheek. But, all she could do was stare intently at the silver phone on the counter in a depressed daze, deep in her thoughts. Lia jumped flinching out of her thoughts as someone put a gentle hand on her arm. 

“Lia, Are you alright?” Zayn asked her worriedly walking around Niall to Lia’s other side. Lia quickly put on a fake smile, wiping at her wet cheeks. 

“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” Lia responded quickly, but was  unable to keep the slight quiver out of her voice. Niall put his arm around her shaking shoulders.

“No your not Lia. Tell us whats wrong.” 

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