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Andy came back about an hour later. He entered the room slowly wearing a loose black and grey sweater with black jeans he had a bag in his hand from my favorite cafe. I backed away from him squirming as he came closer.

"Dahlia... I'm not going to hurt you," he stooped down touching my face. I jerked away I will not let that bastard touch me. God I wish this tape was off "you want the tape off don't you," he asked I turned my head away so I wouldn't have to look at him.

"If you promise to be quiet I'll take it off," he held my face gently making me look at him. i shook my head figiting trying to get away "aren't you hungry?" I looked away still. He moved his hands backing away.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked quietly "is that how you got here?" His lips trembled.

I was stunned who was he? andy was the one that choked me and brought me here. He pulled out his pocket knife fear struck through me.

"I swear I will never hurt you in any way." He said softly he took my taped hands and cut the tape off them. He did my ankles next "to make it up for him hurting you," he gently pulled me up

"Take the tape off just be quiet please Dahlia," he begged and headed towards the door. I took the tape off my mouth quietly after he left. I opened the bag of food. In it were pancakes and Coffee my two favorite things. I was startled he knew this but I ate any way. I heard yelling down stairs which frighted me.

You could make a run for it

He'd catch me

He said he wouldn't hurt you

He's crazy why believe him

I found a pin in my hair and decided to try to pick the lock. I didn't do much before the door opened. Andy stepped close to me towering over me "what were you doing?" He asked softly there was a cut on his forehead and a few new bruises on his arm. I dropped the pin and stepping back her took a step forward we continued this until I fell back on the bed.

"Don't leave, please Dahlia." He brushed hair out my face the hairs on the back of my neck raised.

"Why shouldn't I?" I spat standing up "you brought me here against my will!" I shouted at him pushing his chest he grabbed my hands. Holding them tightly his eyes were a dark blue again.

"You'll stay here!" He shouted too his gripped tightened

"Andy stop you're hurting me!" I struggled against his grip. His face softened he let go of my wrist I jabbed him in the ribs he let out a pained noise as he stumbled back. It seemed like his ribs were hurt before.

"Damnit Dahlia!" He grunted getting up "Just please stop fighting back,"

"Why!" I screamed "why should I! i don't want to be here I want to go home!"

"Because, he'll come back and hurt you again dahlia! I don't want him to!" Andy shouted at me

"Who the hell is him Andy THATS you, you're just crazy get some mental help!" I shouted "who in their right mind calls them self him or he? And who the hell kidnapps one of their classmates!" I continued to yell at him. He looked down shaking his head "you're a phyco..." I stopped once he began to... cry?

"I'm sorry I can't help it I can't stop him I can't do anything he just takes over! He's stronger than me!" He said rubbing his eyes he kicked over a box filled with ceramic stuff making them shatter. He started knocking things over yelling stuff like. 'Im too weak' and 'I'm crazy'

Then it hit me


New chapter for u guys!

Holy crap 50 reads ready!?  Thank yall so much.

This book is trending in mystery RN XD

Luv u guys 💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️

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