Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Rowankit opened his eyes looking around blearily. He looked up at his mother and said "Good morning ma." 

She smilled down at him with sparkling green eyes, "Good morning Hun." she said licking him between the ears. Then she looked over at Fallfur smiling, then looked back down at him. "Fallfur had her kits last night."

Rowankit's ears pricked up excitedly, "Oh boy more playmates!" he said jumping up and running over next to Fallfur. His head tilted a bit when he only saw one kit at her belly. He turn and looked at his mother questionably. "But ma I thought you said she had kits, there's only one here." he said confused.

Whitefoot looked at him sadly, "Fallfur had three kits. Skykit, Stumpykit, and Gingerkit. Skykit and Stumpykit didn't make it though." she said blinking back tears. She had never gone through what Fallfur ad but she could only imagine the grief the your she-cat was experiencing. She had also over heard half-tail that anymore kits might not be possible, her heart hurt for the young she-cat.

"Oh," said Rowankit, his ears lowering. He studied the remaining she-kit. 'So she has no playmates either,' he thought sadly. He had never had any brothers or sisters. 'I'll be her playmate and friend.' he though firefly. "That's ok ma," he said looking over his shoulder at her with a brilliant smile. "That just means we will be even more better friends." He looked over at Fallfur with his ears lowered " I'm sorry about your kit's Fallfur."

She looked at him kindly, " They didn't suffer, that's all a mother can hope for, plus I still have my little Gingerkit." She nudged the she-kit with her nose. "Wake up Hun I want you to meet someone." she said. The small she-kit rolled away from the nose and snuggled further into her soft fur, she was still sleepy and didn't want to open her eyes yet. Fallfur smiled the looked up at Rowankit, " I'm sorry Rowankit, maybe in a few days she can play."

Rowankit smiled, " It's ok Fallfur," he said walking over to his mother and playing with her tail. He was content to wait, just till she was a little older.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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