Cat Puns [Chatroom]

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1:20 A.M.

>>Grace has logged in
>>Chloe has logged in

Grace: Hi Ks

Chloe: Oh no. . . . I just missed a chat . . . .

Grace: You could use your hourglass

Chloe: But I would be waisting it. What I did before was a HUGE mis-steak

Grace: Syrsly, a pun?

Chloe: Huh? Did I? Is it punny?

Grace: Please stop

Chloe: Oh no! I couldn't find the cute cat picture I saved a moment ago! This is a cat-tastrophe!!

Grace: And why would you need a cat picture?

Chloe: Its for my story. . . . it really was an eggcellent picture

Grace: Please stop

Chloe: Hey Grace! Have you ever watched 07- Ghost?

Chloe: There's this guy one of the seven ghosts and he likes to read porn! He's such a purrvert~ thats why he's a purrverted bishop
Chloe: And another guy, he has the eye of mikhail! Whenever it awakens his eyes turns red! He's pawsome! >o<

Chloe: Anyways. . . your soo fur away. I really wanted to sea you! >~<

Chloe: Uhhh. . . . Grace?
Chloe: Is it pawssible that you have fallen asleep?
Chloe: I'm eating biscats right now. . . . nomnomnom •-•
Chloe: I went to the supermarcat amoment ago . . . . .

Chloe: Hey, hey, Grace! I got something!
Chloe: Where do you find a present for a cat?

Chloe: A cat-alouge! XD
Chloe: Oh! Another one!
Chloe: What do you call a pile of cats?

Chloe: A meowtainn! Hahaha!
Chloe: . . . . . . .

Chloe: Grace. . . . . you know what?
Chloe: I hate cat puns. . . . .

>> • Grace relieved

Grace: Finally over

Chloe: . . . . just kitten they're HISSterical!!! XD

>> • Chloe laughs hard
>> • Grace facepalm

Grace: 😐
Grace: Thats it! I quit!

>>Grace has logged out

Chloe: Oh! It seems that I have furgotten! I got things to do! Meow~

>>Chloe has logged out

3:36 A.M.

>>Chloe has logged in
>>Grace has logged in

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