Training Severus oODisciplineOo

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            “Drive faster!”

            Jae could feel it, she is about ready to snap. It has been two weeks and nothing has improved with training Severus, expect his voice volume lowering a bit but he is still able to make her ear drums feel like they are bleeding! The morning as even more unbearable, get woken up at four, take Severus out to ‘exercise’, make sure he doesn’t deforest the whole park, go home and have to listen to the ‘pet’ bitch all day. Frankly, she would rather have the company throw two Amadeus’ at her than give her this ‘pet’! She has tried different methods of trying to get his respect but none of them have been working!

            Jae parks the car and gets out, in a flash Severus is already running out into the woods. She rolls her eyes and sits down on her usual bench, keeping her eyes out just in case she sees a pedestrian. Wait-, what is she thinking! Nobody is going to be in the park this early in the morning! Jae rubs her face, she has never been so tired in her life. He is always screaming and running around without watching-.

            Hey eyes widen. Hold on, the very edge of this park has a cliff. Jae stands up, and she begins to panic as she hears nothing in the distance. No war cries, no trees getting cut down. He couldn’t have-? Jae immediately starts sprinting through the trees. She can’t hear him at all! Finally after running for a bit she is able to get to the cliff that leads to the water below. Jae looks down, trying to see if she can find anything. Her eyes then widen as she sees a head of silver hair struggling against the waters. Her mind then reels back and remembers one part of the guide book.

The Severus also has a fear of water

            Does that mean he can’t swim? ! Jae takes off her coat and steadies herself over the edge of the cliff. Taking a deep breath in, she dives into the water. After a few seconds of falling she crashes into the water. Jae swims to the top and gasps for air, she looks around the water and finally sees Severus, unconscious. Jae’s breath hitches, she swims frantically to the ‘pet’ and tries to put his head out of the water.

            “Severus! Severus, wake up!”

            There was no response, his mouth was open and his eyes were closed. Jae still tries to keep a grip on him and begins to swim to the shore. Once she was close enough Jae stands and tries to get him to dry land. She settles down his body and first leans down to check his heart, it was still pulsing. Jae grinds her teeth together.

            “Don’t you dare give out on me.”

            She then gets her hands ready and starts to pump at his chest, small tears began to gather in her eyes. “Come on!”

            She put her hands down and now was glaring at his body. Jae takes a breath in and this time tilts his head back, she pinches the bridge of his nose and brings her mouth on his and begins to breathe in. After two or three breaths in she feels his body start to up heave. Jae steps back immediately as Severus finally moves and sits up and starts to spit out the water from his body. A smile came onto her face as she sees life come back onto his life.


            The male turns to her and glares, he jumps forward and puts his hands around her neck while pushing her down. Jae coughs as he grips her neck tight.

            “Bitch! I almost fuckin’ died! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!”

            Jae was about to speak and looks up at his face. But, she stops. His eyes, they were mad, but there was another emotion in them. They looked frantic, but also scared. The thought then comes to her mind that he’s actually really is afraid of water. Jae tries to take in a breath and speaks.

            “I know, it’s my fault. I’m should have watched over you more carefully.”

            Severus eyes widen at what she says. His fingers remove from her neck slowly, and Jae gasps for breath. He was almost as strong as Amadeus with his grip around her neck. She starts to stand back up, but what she didn’t expect was that Severus moves forward and wraps his arms around Jae’s waist and puts his head on her stomach. Her eyes widen at the action, Jae then looks down and could now see his body was shivering.

            “Woman, I almost fuckin’ died. It was dark, I couldn’t breathe!”

            Jae watches in shock as he continues to shake next to her body. A smile then comes on her face as she pets the top of his head.

            “I’m really sorry.”

            She then takes both his hands off of her and stands up while holding them. Helping Severus get up on his feet. She then puts one of his arms over her shoulders, getting him walking on his own feet.

            “Let’s go home.”


            Jae has a frown on her face as she looks at Severus from the entrance of the living room. Since she saved him from drowning, Severus has been uncomfortably quiet. Now, if this was how he acted yesterday she would have been relaxing with the peace and quiet. But, she feels he’s still in shock from almost dying from the water. She sighs and puts her coffee mug down. Jae walks up to the couch Severus sits at, he was still staring at the ground with a blanket over his shoulders. Sitting next to him, Jae takes his long hair into her hands and begins to comb the locks. Severus turns around and glares at her, also letting out a growl.

            “What are you doing, scum.”

            “Combing your hair, it got ruined by the sea water.”


            At his sudden raise of voice, Jae pulls down hard on the comb. Severus lets out a cry at the sudden tug and turns around to glare at her.

            “WHAT THE HELL-! ?”

            “You’re my pet, I have to take care of you and give attention.” Jae looks back at him. She then puts her hands on either sides of his face and turns it back around. “Now hold still, your hair is longer than your height so this will take a while.”

            There was then silence again between the two, until Severus let out a grunt.

            “Stupid woman.”

            If Jae had actually turned to look at his face, she would have seen a tint of blush on his cheeks.


I think I got diabetes on how cute this was xD

Well, this is going to be my main attention since ‘Welcome To The Club of Delinquents’ is finished. And to my readers of ‘I Don’t Care You’re Dead’, for now it’s on hold. Never in my life will I do something as stupid as try to juggle more than one story =_=

That was just too stressful.

So, expect lots of updates from this!

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