Chocolate So Sweet

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Title: Chocolate so Sweet

Summary: Though it wasn't Valentine's Day until tomorrow, Lynus thought he'd give Axel his chocolates now.

Pairings: Axel/Lynus

AN: This has been a long time coming and I'm sorry it has taken so long! D: Just a short, fluffy drabble of Axel/Lynus for the moment, but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the others :3 They'll will come later, promise. Now, I hope you'll enjoy reading!


As Lynus walked down the stairs from his room, he glanced at the small parcel in his hand. Wrapped in tissue paper with ribbon were the chocolates he had made that morning. Binah insisted that he wrap it up, going as far as handing him the exact material that he needed. Of course, he wasn't surprised by it at all.

While it technically wasn't Valentine's Day until tomorrow, Lynus didn't see the harm in giving Axel his chocolates tonight. Explorers were always a little unorthodox about things, so why should celebrating Valentine's Day be any different?

Besides, Lynus got the feeling that he would be spending the morning reassuring and coaxing the others to hand over their chocolates to their chosen partners. Even Tobyn might need a bit of coaxing as he was still rather uncomfortable about showing affection. Rahas was likely to be the most difficult, but then again the dark hunter had been surprising him a lot the last few days. Macerio was going to be flighty and skittish about the whole thing, while Magnus would no doubt be an adorable but nervous mess, doubting that he had the courage to do something so bold.

Lynus wouldn't be surprised if all of them threw their chocolates at their respective recipients before they abruptly fled, and avoided them for the rest of the day. Well, until Binah and Becky managed to track them down, of course.

As he stepped from the bottom step into the foyer, Lynus heard a light noise, like that of someone uttering a sound out of embarrassment. He turned in the direction he assumed the noise came from in time to see Macerio hastily scurry away from Lirit, a light blush on his cheeks.

While Lynus knew why Macerio was shy and skittish, poor Lirit didn't. The orange-haired troubadour looked a little confused and rather disheartened, no doubt wondering if he had done something to cause Macerio to suddenly avoid him.

However, when Lirit glanced over at Lynus and their gazes locked, Lynus gave him a small, reassuring smile as he lifted his hand and placed a finger to his lips. Silently, he reassured him that there was nothing to worry about and he would find out soon enough.

Again, Lirit looked confused, tilting his head to the side slightly, his brow furrowing just a little bit. However, his expression brightened considerably when he caught on and he smiled a beaming smile. He then quickly turned in the direction Macerio had fled in and disappeared from sight.

Lynus had to chuckle to himself as he continued to the tea room where he knew Axel would be. Perhaps he didn't have to reassure and coax Macerio tomorrow morning after all.

The fire in the tea room was burning brightly, offering the only source of light. And Axel, just as Lynus had expected, sat on the couch in front of the fire place, gazing at it with a slight look of contemplation on his face. He, however, soon turned to face him the moment Lynus stepped into the room and his expression brightened into a sincere warmth when their gazes met.

A thought of how lucky Lynus was to have someone like Axel in his life, someone who would both brighten and relax upon seeing him, something who sincerely and genuinely cared and supported him. Someone who loved him and allowed Lynus to love him in return.

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