Hey Sherlock You're So Fine, You're So Fine You Blow My Mind

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    He opened the door and as promised Sherlock was standing on the porch, wearing a white button down and black slacks, no jacket. He looked amazing, as usual, the contrast of the white shirt with his black curls, he looked stunning.
"Sherlock, hi." John said with a smile, now feeling as though this balloon was a lame gift. He saw the flowers in Sherlock's hands, the beautiful bouquet of all sorts of fresh blue flowers, and he almost felt ashamed.
"Hello John, you look wonderful." Sherlock decided with a little smile.
"I got you a balloon." John said with a smile, getting straight to the point so that Sherlock wasn't left with too much positive anticipation. But, contrary to John's beliefs, Sherlock's face broke into a childlike grin, and he took the balloon with excitement.
"That's great, I love balloons." He decided, and he actually sounded genuine. "I got you flowers, I arranged them myself, I thought blue would be a good color scheme because being without you makes me blue."
"That's very poetic of you Sherlock, it even rhymes." John agreed with a little laugh, taking the bundle of flowers in his arms thankfully. "They're beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, you're still on my doorstep, come on in, Molly's in the kitchen."
"You don't have to call me beautiful." Sherlock muttered kind of awkwardly, stepping insde the house and dragging the balloon in with him.
"Of course I do silly, who else is going to tell you?" John wondered. Sherlock just laughed, shaking his head as if John was the most idiotic person he's ever met.
"Hello Sherlock, fancy seeing you here." Molly said with a laugh as Sherlock walked into the kitchen, followed closely by John.
"Those are beautiful flowers daddy, did Mr. Sherlock get them for you?" Hamish wondered, giving Sherlock a great big hug around the legs before running up to see the bouquet.
"He certainly did, good thing I didn't get the flowers from the store, I would've been ashamed." John agreed.
"I love balloons." Sherlock repeated with a smile, pulling the string on his balloon so that he could observe it up close.
"Always so mature Sherlock." Molly laughed, and Sherlock shrugged innocently.
"Maturity shouldn't be based on age, it should be based on boringness." He decided. John nodded in agreement, filling a vase up with water and pushing all of the flowers into it. The flowers from the last date were still looking alright, so now he had two magnificent bouquets on his counter to liven the place up. It really did look like he was dating a gardener.
"Well then, we should let the happy couple on their way, be safe you two, no drinking and driving!" Molly reminded.
"Oh please Molly, we're responsible." John assured, and Sherlock nodded in agreement.
"I know you guys are, have fun, be good, fall in love." Molly demanded, giving them both hugs before pushing them towards the door.
"Would it be alright if I just left my balloon here?" Sherlock wondered. "Until I come back of course."
"Ya sure just put it on the counter. They won't pop it or anything." John assured, grabbing his jacket from the coat rack and watching as Sherlock placed the balloon on the counter. He sighed in happiness, watching as Hamish said one last goodbye to Sherlock, who was smiling just as wide. He really was the perfect man, for some reason, by some miracle; John really did stumble upon the perfect man.
"Ready to go?" Sherlock asked, joining John at the door with a soft little smile. John could only smile back, the automatic reflex to any acknowledgment from Sherlock Holmes.
"Ready." John agreed, opening the door and letting Sherlock leave first. "Bye guys!" he called back into the house, and there was a chorus of farewells until finally John closed the door, leaving everyone but Sherlock behind.
"I'm really happy this date is going to be more casual, I was so scared for the last one just because I was scared that I wouldn't be proper enough." Sherlock admitted.
"I think you should be scared that you're not casual enough for this one." John decided, and Sherlock looked a bit worried for a moment. "I'm joking Sherlock, you look fine. You look amazing, actually."
"As do you, breathtaking as usual." Sherlock agreed, and John just smiled modestly. Obviously Sherlock didn't quite know what he was talking about, because if he classified John as breathtaking he obviously hasn't seen himself. They got in the car, John driving once more, and as soon as he backed down the driveway Sherlock was already at it with the radio, trying to find the classical music station.
"Would you like to listen to something more upbeat?" John wondered.
"What would the benefit of that be?" Sherlock wondered, sitting back and enjoying the soft piano playing of some man long dead.
"Well, I mean...whatever." John shrugged, going back to driving. Sherlock shuffled around on his seat, looking uncomfortable.
"If you want me to change it I'd be happy to, there are other stations that I don't mind." Sherlock assured.
"It's fine Sherlock, honestly." John assured. Sherlock just shook his head, turning the knob and landing on some awful eighties channel. John might've preferred the classical music, because as soon as Sherlock recognized the song his mouth cracked into a smile.
"Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind HEY MICKEY!" Sherlock screamed loudly, making John laugh in annoyance.
"Oh this is much better." John groaned. Sherlock just kept singing along, and John kept hating his life.
"Oh Sherlock, what a pity, you don't understand, you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand." John sang along, and Sherlock just groaned loudly, a smile on his face larger than John could ever imagine.
"OH JOHN YOU'RE SO PRETTY, CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND!" Sherlock sang back, loud enough for John to wince a little bit.
"DON'T BREAK MY HEART SHERLOCK!" John yelled back so loudly that they just suddenly realized they were at a stoplight, and when they looked around they saw that everyone else was looking back. Suddenly Sherlock turned off the radio, looking like a deer in the headlights while the both of them tried to control their laughter, focusing on the red light before them so they didn't catch the dirty looks from the other drivers. As soon as they pulled away Sherlock broke into a fit of careless giggled, stifling his laughter with his hand as he finally let loose a little bit.
"That was ridiculous." Sherlock decided, the only thing he seemed to be able to say.
"That was beautiful. God I'm so in love with you." John agreed, catching a glimpse of Sherlock out of the corner of his eye, seeing that he was blushing once more.
"Isn't that something you're supposed to keep to yourself, something about playing hard to get?" Sherlock pointed out, and John shrugged innocently.
"If I played hard to get I think you'd cry. You're not experienced enough; you think I just didn't like you." John decided, and Sherlock nodded in agreement.
"Yes I think so. I feel like I probably come off as playing hard to get, but to be honest I don't know how to be romantic, I get all...awkward." Sherlock admitted.
"Really? I haven't noticed." John said with a little laugh, and Sherlock just looked down at the dashboard with the smallest of smiles on his lips.
"I do like you back John, a lot. I'm just waiting for my declaration of love to be at the right moment." Sherlock admitted, and John just laughed.
"Sorry Sherlock, but what's the whole point of waiting if you already told me that you're planning on it?" John wondered. Sherlock just groaned, shaking his head and slouching a little bit in his seat.
"Surprise." He muttered with a little smile.
"If this weren't the second date I'd buy you a ring right now, I swear to god you would be my husband right this moment." John decided confidently.
"Don't be so excited, you still don't know the worst about me." Sherlock assured, sitting back up in his seat and watching the buildings pass.
"You know the worst of me, I'm sorry to say. When we first met I was a bit moody." John decided.
"That's the worst of you? What, you don't snore or anything? Leave the water on when you brush your teeth?" Sherlock wondered.
"Well, I mean...yes." John shrugged guiltily, and Sherlock just laughed.
"I feel like even your snores will be attractive." Sherlock guessed.
"Oh don't ask Mary about that, she wanted to put me on one of those machines." John said with a little laugh, and suddenly the mood in the car dropped drastically, merely with one mention of that devil. Sherlock looked rather awkwardly down at his feet, nodding a little bit. John's smile dropped, and he focused on the road a bit more, trying to block out any memories of his previous wife.
"I won't treat you like that." Sherlock said quickly, as if it were just something he wanted to confess now. "I won't treat you like she did, I'd never cheat on you I'd never disrespect you in that way."
"I know Sherlock, I trust you." John assured.
"Mary was stupid. I mean, I've never met her, but obviously anyone that can be with you anytime they like and still chose someone else, obviously she wasn't the most intelligent woman." Sherlock decided. John just laughed, nodding in agreement. Mary really was stupid, in all aspects of the word.
"Back then we were both stupid. I was stupid, I rushed into marriage, blindly grasping for a normal life because that's what I thought I had to do. And now I've got an old wedding ring and a past full of regretful memories." John groaned.
"And a future of better ones. Hopefully." Sherlock added rather awkwardly.
"Hopeful a future spent with you." John agreed. Sherlock nodded in agreement, and went back to staring at the floor. They pulled up to the pub not shortly afterwards, pulling a bit roughly into a parking space and getting out of the car. They stretched their legs a little bit, watching each other over the short roof.
"Ready to go eat then?" John wondered, assuming the answer would be yes.
"Starving." Sherlock agreed. They walked up to the restaurant together, and John seriously fought the urge to take his hand. Then again it would be a bit awkward to take his hand now, walking into the restaurant and having the first impression on everyone being gay. Then again, they were bound to find out eventually, but by the time Sherlock pulled open the door it was too late. Oh well, maybe it was for the better. They stepped into the restaurant and were immediately greeted by a waitress, leading them through the bar to a booth near the back. The whole place was very dimly lit, with booths and tables in the back and a bar stretching across the front. There were all sorts of people lingering around, sitting on the bar stools under the neon signs and watching football games on big screen TV's. It smelled like beer and cigarette smoke, even though there was a no smoking sign on the door, and it was so loud John could barely feel himself think.
"Nice place." Sherlock mumbled, dodging a woman who needed to pull her shirt up a little bit more. She just cackled, apologizing and clapping Sherlock on the shoulder, all while looking him up and down to see if he were worth any of her time.
"Oh I'm sorry." She said in a thick accent, some sort of accent you accidently hear on Jersey Shore.
"Watch it, he's mine." John insisted, grabbing Sherlock's hand and pulling him away from the now very confused woman. Sherlock just cleared his throat, looking utterly appalled as he sat down in his seat and stared at John from across the table.
"Thanks." Sherlock mumbled as the waitress put down two menus. John just smiled at him, a cute little crooked smile that made Sherlock's cheeks glow.
"Don't mention it. I'm always happy to lay down the law to those who deserve it." John assured, and Sherlock chuckled rather apprehensively.
"Drinks?" the waitress asked, pulling a pad and pen from her apron and staring at them through judgmental heavily lined eyes.
"Just water for me please." Sherlock decided rather modestly, poking at the corner of his menu.
"Same for me I suppose." John agreed, tempted to get a beer but not wanting to spoil the night. If Sherlock was going nonalcoholic then he should probably do the same.
"Alright then, two waters." The waitress agreed, sounding bored already as she walked along.
"This place is a little bit..." Sherlock muttered, looking around the room as if too scared to finish his sentence.
"Shady." John finished, and Sherlock nodded in agreement.
"I think I prefer the rich sushi crowd, however intimidating they may have been." He admitted.
"Well we'll see how the food turns out, and if anything happens, you know I'm here. I'm not afraid to put a few dudes in their place." John assured.
"With your fists of iron?" Sherlock laughed doubtfully.
"You don't think I could punch a guy?" John asked. Sherlock just laughed, not even bothering to look at his menu for the time being.
"Oh, I think you could punch someone, I just doubt your ability to take a punch." Sherlock decided. John just stared at him with an amazed smile on his face. Shouldn't Sherlock worship him or something, he was a lot buffer than that delicate little gardener.
"I can take a punch, trust me." John assured.
"From who, Hamish?" Sherlock giggled quietly.
"Did I just hear that?" John asked, exasperated. Sherlock just laughed, ducking behind his menu and pretending to read the choices.
"The mushroom burger sounds good." He said normally, but John was still staring at him with an offended smile on his face.
"I could beat you in a fight any day." John decided.
"Let's not do that...please." Sherlock mumbled.
"Of course I'm not going to fight you, but I can hold my own." John insisted.
"Alright, alright, you have proved me wrong." Sherlock muttered, rolling his eyes and going back to his menu.
"You're just saying that to shut me up." John decided.
"Yes, I am." Sherlock agreed. They were both silent for a little moment, but John looked up and saw Sherlock looking right back, and at that moment they both decided to break into a fit of embarrassed giggles. John tried to focus on the burger options but there were still tears of joy in his eyes when the waitress came back over for drinks. She set two waters down and got the pad out again, tapping the pen against her black painted fingernail and looking at them closely.
"Orders?" she muttered, sounding extremely bored.
"Ya, um...I'll just have the pub burger, medium please. With a side of fries." John decided. She nodded, scribbling the order down with a glazed look over her eyes.
"I'll have the mushroom burger, medium as well, with a side of onion rings." Sherlock decided with a friendly smile, handing the menu back to the waitress, who just frowned at them.
"So are you two like...gay?" she asked, and John blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected anyone to be so flat with it.
"Well I'm gay, yes, but he's bisexual." Sherlock corrected, and the waitress nodded, looking a bit more intrigued.
"I didn't like it so I took the ring off it." John agreed. The waitress even cracked a smile, which looked like a natural wonder of the world in itself.
"Sit tight, the food will be here soon." She agreed, and with that she walked off towards the kitchen.
"Lovely girl isn't she?" John muttered with a doubtful laugh, and Sherlock just shrugged, as if he didn't see any problem with it.
"It's a fair question. I know everyone's asking that same thing when they see us together." Sherlock agreed.
"That doesn't bother you, does it?" John wondered, sipping his water and watching Sherlock shrug.
"I mean, it depends on the person I guess. I don't really mind when I see some nice looking mothers walking in the park, but when business men turn a cold eye, when teenagers stare at me, when old people look like they're going to have a heart attack, you know...it kind of gets to me. I don't really like being put in the position where I'm the freak." Sherlock admitted with a small little shrug.
"You're not a freak Sherlock, never a freak. As long as we're together no one can say anything, there's a lid to every pot and ironically both of these pots happen to be painted blue." John insisted.
"What does blue have to do with anything?" Sherlock wondered. John just laughed, shaking his head at Sherlock's utter cluelessness.
"You know, blue is kind of the stereotypical male gender color, baby blue?" John pointed out. Sherlock shook his head, sipping his water innocently.
"I've never had a child, I wouldn't know." He decided.
"It's common knowledge Sherlock, how could you not...never mind." John sighed, shaking his head in defeat. Sherlock just smiled at him, squeezing his lemon into his water and spraying the seeds all over the table. John just watched him lovingly, watching Sherlock just be himself. It was a lot better in this pub, no matter how sketchy it was. Here they could be themselves, no neckties, no napkins on their laps, no classy folks or forks on the right. This was Sherlock Holmes, in all his dorky glory, trying to clean up lemon seeds from the glossy wooden booth. And this was the Sherlock that John had fallen in love with. Someone he could have fun with, someone he could love for their clumsiness as well as for their beauty, Sherlock was just a masterpiece inside and out. This was going to be the night, the night that they shared their long overdue kiss. It was going to be tonight, John didn't know how or when, but he knew that he wasn't going to let Sherlock leave without finally knowing what his lips felt like. This was going to be the night, and there wasn't going to be anymore fear. Sherlock was his, and this was going to be the night he proved it.

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