Chapter 2

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The morning routine happens as usual. Get up, Get Dressed, Do hair, apply makeup, apply deodorant and then leave. I sprung out of bed as bright as the sun this morning. It was unusual, but at the same time, wasn't. I never got up as happy as I did but then again I knew exactly why I was like this. Jason Ofcourse. I had gotten to school early and so had Jason, so I walked up to his locker to say "Hey!". Jason closed his locker door without making eye contact with me and replied back in a low tone voice. "Hey." I could tell he wasn't in a good mood. But before I could say anything else to him. He walked off.

Well now it's third period and I've been in Jason's class for all of them and not once have we spoken. Have I done something wrong? I thought to myself. All my hopes up for today and here I am back where I started. Just like the first day. No one to talk to. I had barely done any work in any of my classes as my mind was more concentrated on everything else that was going on. I found myself thinking about Paris again. Jason had distracted me from her for the last couple of days that I wasn't worried about her but now, being alone I could feel the tears behind my eyes about to burst out. Just like the night I found out she had went missing. Soon enough though, the bell snapped me out of my thoughts and we were off to lunch. Nows my time to find out what I had done wrong I said to myself as I walk in the cafeteria. "Jason? What's wrong? Have I done something? Why are you ignoring me?" I snap at him as I walk up to the table of him and his friends. I wasn't embarrassed, I was pissed to be honest. I deserve to know why I'm being treated like this. Jason got up out if his seat and grabbed me by the arm to direct me out of the cafeteria where no one else was. "Why didn't you tell me about her?" he whispers to me. "About who?" I reply as confused as ever. "Paris!" my heart drops when he says her name. I feel myself go numb and thoughts come to me. How does he know her name? How does even know she exists? How does he know her? "How the hell do you know Paris?" my words are shaken and are easily showing that I'm confused. "Paris, and I are siblings. Or were." My mind goes blank. I can't think of anything to say. I sit down on one of the chairs in the hallway. I have no idea what to think. "Explain." I say to him, he knows what I mean by explain. I mean explain everything! How did I not know about this? We were best-friends, at least I thought we were. "Paris's Mum, is my mum. I live with my dad, which is also Paris's dad. They split while Paris and I were only very young. My dad moved here with me,while Paris and my mum stayed in Australia. Paris and I stayed in contact by emails and stuff that was until the accident." Jason said to me while sitting down next to me, he grabbed my hands and held them in his. It all made sense now. Paris never looked like either of her parents back in Australia. Chances are that she looks like her dad. Which is also Jason's dad. I thought Jason's face looked familiar when I first saw him, that's because he looks like Paris's mum. And, Paris always used to tell me that she had something like a pen pal, but instead of writing they would email instead. It all adds up. But I'm still so confused as to why Paris never told me any of this. "Why did you ignore me?" I ask Jason. "I was shocked, I didn't know how to talk to you without thinking about Paris. I thought that as soon as Paris died.."He gets cut off at me before snapping at him. "She didn't die." Everything goes silent. "She's still alive she has to be, I'm not gonna give up on her." I hold it in for a couple of seconds before bursting into tears. Jason pulls me closer to him before wrapping me in a warming hug. "Maybe she is still alive, we just don't know." he says calming me. "We will find her. Together." he pulls away from the hug before turning my face to his. He starts to lean in, closer to me. I can tell where it's heading. It's obvious isn't it! But just as our lips are about to touch. Someone walks into the hallway and we quickly pull back. I wipe the tears from my face and stand up. I start to walk off but stop in my tracks. I turn around to face Jason who is still sitting on the seat. "Together." I smile at him.


The rest of the day isn't so bad. I'm still shocked at the fact that Jason was related to Paris. It is what is though so I try to not think about it too much. After school, mum decideds to take me shopping to take my mind off things but it doesn't do any good. I hate shopping. Paris love ithiugh so I'd always go with her anyways. Paris plays on my mind and as soon as I get home at about 8:30pm I can't help it but go through a photo album of us two when we were younger. It was a present from Paris for my 14th Birthday. There are so many photos, some are taken when we were about 10 and used to do dancing. We were in little gypsy costumes, we were cute I think to myself. As I'm skimming over photos of us my phone starts to buzz. Its a call. "Hello?" I pick up the phone. "Hey, it's Jason. Can you come out the front?" When I hear this I run to my window to look outside. Sure enough, Jason is standing near my letterbox with his phone up to his ear. I hang up not caring if he gets offended. As I run down the stairs and to the door I sneak past my mum in the lounge so she won't ask where I'm going. I step outside into the cool breeze and realise I didn't wear my jumper. This better be quick I think to myself. "Jason, what are you doing here? It's 9:30 and it's cold." I say to him while walking over to him. "Look at me all rebel on a school night." I can't help but giggle at his words. "And it's not even that cold, your just a stick and don't have any warm meat on you." he continues on. I don't get offended, I've been compared to a lot of worse things before. "What are you doing here anyways?" I change the subject completely. "Aren't I allowed to come and see a friend." he smiles, I smile at him. At least he thinks were friends. "Well considering I need to catch up on my beauty sleep so whatever it is you need, you'll have to be quick." I snap at him in a bossy way, but he knows I'm only joking. "Sorry princess, by the look of you. I thought you had already caught up on that." He smirks at me, I know what he's doing. "Nice pick up lines, but you'll have to do better than that." I smile and then turn around to go back inside. "My goodness, you look wonderful tonight." he says in a posh accent. "Shut up." I say in an Aussie accent before closing the door on him. I laugh out loud and then run up to my room. As I walk to the window to see if he's finally gone. I soon figure he's not. "Oh Rapanzel, let down your hair." he yells to me while giving hand gestures. "Oh Prince Charming, you'll have to do better than that to win my heart." I wink at him while closing my window. I then run to my bed and jump on it. I can't stop laughing at how funny and adorable he is. I take a few minutes until I decided to get up to double check that he's gone. He is this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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