Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Snow opened her car door and slid out onto the hot pavement, she glared at the small dark building. She took in a breath as she adjusted her leather jacket and sunglasses. A pale woman stood in the front of the school, her long blonde hair was braided and she grinned as Snow walked up to her.

“You must be Snow, I welcome you to the night school” The woman seemed very happy to see her but Snow wasn’t feeling as excited as the woman expressed. “My name is Mrs. Cornella, I am a Siren” Her eyes flickered to a light purple color and then back to an ice green color.

Snow had learned about every single creature that she could, her father also trained her so much in the weeks she was preparing for Night School. He wanted her to be prepared for anything, even to kill and stalk; she followed Mrs. Cornella into the front of the building. “This is Love…she will be showing you around from now on.”  The woman named Love smiled; she had beautiful chocolate colored skin that went well with the white dress she was wearing.

“Nice to meet you sweetheart, I am a werewolf as well and I will be your mentor.” Love grinned and brushed some of her black hair over her shoulder.

“I will be showing you to the dorms as you are aware, it is the middle of the day. Most students are in bed by now…but since you are new I will give you some time to adjust.” Snow nodded and followed the dark skinned woman towards two metal doors and when she opened them it revealed an amazing courtyard, filled with trees, bushes, white marble stoned floors, and a small lake in the far left side of the courtyard.

Snow glared in awe at the magnificent place, she looked all around in on the edge of the courtyard was a medium sized black building with two metal doors at the front and windows exposed the inside of the classrooms to the sun’s rays. “That is where all classes are to be attended…those are the dorms over there” Love pointed to the medium sized building and pointed it out as the school and a building about a mile away gleamed under the sun. It was large and just as black as the other buildings.

“Let’s go to your dorm” Love smiled and led her to the farthest building; the hot pavement seemed to go through Snow’s sneakers. She wiped some sweat from her forehead and when they finally reached the dorms she was relieved when she saw that it was air conditioned. Love led her inside the lobby of the girl’s dorm which had a huge flat screen TV, nice furniture, the wall was a light green color, and there was a nice brown crown molding on the ceiling. It already felt like home to Snow, she followed love past a couch and she glared at the boy that slept on the white leather couch with his hand over his forehead.

“Erik!” Love called out and he leaped up immediately, “How many times have I told you not to come into the girl’s dorm after school hours!” Love continued, he stood quickly and grabbed his shoes from under the couch.

“I know miss… Zoë invited me over and I fell asleep” He said slyly and bowed his head to get past Love and Snow. He opened the door and shaded his eyes as he slumped towards the boy’s dorm, Love sighed and led Snow up the stairs towards the rooms. She unlocked one room quietly and glared inside, she put her finger to her lips signaling to be quiet. Snow nodded and slipped into the room quietly, she saw a girl with light brown hair sleeping in a bed near a window across the room.

“This is your dorm and that’s your bed and your stuff” Love whispered so lightly that Snow wasn’t sure what she had said. She nodded and when Love wished her luck and handed her a package and her schedule, Snow slid off her shoes and leather jacket and slipped into the bathroom. She splashed some water on her face to remove the sweat from the sun. She finished and slid under the blankets that she had sent to them a week before her arrival. She found herself slowly falling asleep until her eyes closed all the way, it must’ve been the heat that took her energy away.

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