My Home Life

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I live with two other people. First my grandma. I've lived with my grandma since I was three years old. She is my main supporter. I love her so much and people always ask me why I live with my grandma. Well this is why... When I was little and I still lived with my mom and my little bother my mom wanted to take a nap and ask my grandpa to watch me and my baby bother. Well my grandpa had cancer and was taking a lot of medicine to try to get better and he accidentally took his sleeping medicine instead of his day medicine. So the sleeping medicine obviously made him go to sleep. This means that me and my bother kaden were unsupervised and my bother went outside and I followed. ( my bother was naked he is also like 1 at this point and I was 2 so he did not know better) anyway we were outside ( I was fully dressed because I did not take off my clothes) and people that saw us realized no one was watching us and called children services and they took my bother and me from my mom. So for a while I lived with my aunt Laura and she already had kids of her own. After a little bit she couldn't do it anymore she couldn't afford taking care of three kids, So they asked my dad if he could take me because she couldn't afford it and he said no. He said that he could not give up his drugs and weed and other stuff. So I was going to have to go into foster care untill my grandma took me in when I was 3. Kaden my bother was still living with my aunt but later went back with my mom and I stayed with my grandma and I still live with her today. So that's why I live with my grandma and not my mom. I also live with jay. Jay is my grandpa now him and my grandma got married last year. So there you have it that's my home life.

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