Chapter Two: Into The 7th Grade

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Piper POV

In the graveyard of Augustus Waters.

"Sprits of 7, I summon you to ask good blessings of my Betafish. He has passed now but Please grant him safe wishes up in 7 heaven." I whispered bellowing. " I also wish good blessings on me and Lexi, and Rilie, and Hailey the other members of the 7 club. 7 God bless."

Then I headed of toward school.


School was then pain that was trekked through to get to the meetings of the 7 club.

Two new initiates would join today under the rulings of I and Lexi. Rilie the pre-duck-tion manager would give them their own club 7 tee-shirt. Hailey would give them the paper work to sign and the temporary tattoo's to show their dedication to the Club.

After meetings we would run to the nearest 7 eleven to pray to the 7 god under the neon glow of the sign. Lexi always lead the pray when there were new members.

" Oh mighty 7 God please hear our call as we ask for your blessings among the many of your followers." Lexi shouted with passion, "Please bless our new members Recruit rank Shayne and Recruit rank Sydney. Who would like to say the closing remarks?"

"I will!" shouted Rilie eagerly. "7 God please forgive me for disgracing your name and forbidding the use of you in belief. We can all agree that without you most of us would be lost and miss understood. So in our of you I say amen for 7ever."

All of us rejoiced "Amen for 7ever!"


(The next one will be written in Rilie's POV and it will be in the 7th grade. More 7 puns and people two.)

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