3. Fluffy

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Italics are Ritsu's typing on his pad which also means his words

The next day, Saturday

Ritsu's POV
I'm really happy to know I can leave now, since no one enjoys a stay in the hospital, so neither am I. The matter of fact is Takano-San now claims I am his boyfriend and insist to live with me. Well..... I DID confess (A/N I didn't see it in the anime so I'm making it come true myself) so...... it isn't that bad, right?

Takano's POV
I am so relieved that Ritsu's injury is not too serious, I would die of regret for taking him to the book store for my whole life if anything happened!
However the only awesome thing is HE CONFESSED!!!!!! I've longed to hear those words, although I intend to not hear them after my Ritsu is near the edge of death. He main point is I successfully made him live with me! Never thought I could be so excited!

Returned to Takano's house, around noon

Ritsu's POV
I am actually pretty surprised that I can walk right after a motorcycle hit me, but I'm not gonna complain about it, like of course. Who will complain about such a thing?
While I was thinking, Takano, eh, Masamune opened his door and lead me in. It is perhaps the first time I willingly entered his house.
Every time either he dragged me in or when I go to discuss with him about a manuscript, he would keep the door locked and made me stay the night. I never thought I would enter to my own will.

Takano's POV
I fished the key out of my bag and unlocked the door. Ritsu won't know how excited I am, this is the first time he agreed to come over to mine.

I lead him into my flat, he lowered his head the whole way and looks a little dazed. I picked him up bridal style (a/c insert fangirl squealing by me) and put him onto the sofa. He is soft and warm, tiny enough for my arms to wrap. I hugged my cute Ritsu, as he blush and buried his head to one of my cushions. Just tell me why the hell can he be so cute?? It's not scientific, but one thing I'm glad is he can only be adorable in front of me.

"I am going to take a bath, wanna come?" I asked in a seductive tone. He blushed a bit and declined with his pad, Masamune just go to take a bath.

I chuckled at his reaction and replied, "Yes mum."

30 Minutes Timeskip brought to you by my laziness

It's like forever since the last time I took a bath.
I walked out with a T-shirt and relaxing pants, coming in contact with a brilliant smell of food. "Ritsu...... You made all this?" I asked, pointing to the meal.

If there is a fairy I don't spot it he typed with a stern face.

"I just never thought you could cook. Remember you blacked out due to need of energy because your life depends on energy drinks." I joked.

Then fine I'm leaving see you. I quickly caught my Ritsu in my arms and gave a gentle hug. "Thank you," I said as I breath of his ear. I saw his ears red and nibbled on his ear lobe. He pushed me away and sat down at the table. It's getting cold, eat! He said and started eating. I sat down and tried the curry. It's is a little bit spice but sweet. "Did you ever cooked for anyone?" I asked. Except my parents, no. I live by my own in England and cook myself so no.
"I'm honored to be the first and last one then." I said. His blush darkened. We then stayed quiet for the whole time.

Ritsu's POV
After the meal, I went to clean the dishes. Masamune do have a good appetite! I was afraid I will waste a lot of the curry yet he cleared it all and even asked for extra. When will my bones heal and I can talk again? It would be great if it's soon.

Takano's POV
I saw Ritsu in a emerald green apron washing the dishes. He looks like a wife, mine of course. I crept beside him and hugged him from the back. He almost jumped and hit himself. Cute....... God dammit tell me why did you create such an adorable human! Luckily he is now mine~ (yep so thank Nakamura-Sensei for her wonderful creation and generous plot to make Ritsu yours)

Since he is washing the dishes, his electronic pad isn't within reach, so struggling is the only thing he can do. "Ritsu~ You know you looked like a housewife?" I mumbled it directly to his ear. I just can't have enough of his blushing face. (A/n Sorry for always mentioning the blush but it's so cute I can't resist *bow in apology*)

Ritsu sat on the sofa and opened the television. I sat down and set him on my lap.

Can I go to work on Monday? He asked. I do want to keep him all to myself, but I learnt to respect his feelings. "Sure," I replied, "Whatever you say my Ritsu." I rubbed his hair a bit, it felt soft and fluffy.

You know, when we were in high school, you once yelled at me for being annoying and disgusting. My heart sunk a little, I wasn't being serious with my feelings at the start. "I'm......" He stopped my words with his index finger on my lips. I licked it a little and he quickly retrieved his finger.

Masamune listen first you dummy. Little did you know I cried myself to sleep that night. But then when it rain...... You even brought me an umbrella especially after you returned home. Did I really hurt you so much? "Ritsu..... Sorry, sorry I'm so sorry." I said as I buried my head into his collarbone, it had a sweet smell like milk, (Or whatever that is adorable as a smell to you).

I didn't treat it seriously because you seemed like experiencing a bad time. I thought I can cheer you up, but it ended horrible. You are very talented in being mean. You know how hard it is for me to be scolded till I cry? It's impressive. "Do you mean to make me feel guilty?" I just want to tell you about something you should have known. Where is the Takano that told me to explain everything I did? I shut up to Ritsu playing with my own words against me.

You were so mean. I would have collapsed in front of you. I myself don't know why did I brought you an umbrella that day. When I left you ten years ago after that smile, I thought, 'Well everything is just a game to senpai, right?' I then went to England and I grew to be stubborn as you said. So it's a big part your fault I am like this now! 
"Yes it is all my fault for misunderstanding." Thank you, Ritsu, for still being here with me. I would be the luckiest one on Earth with you.

And...... How do you know my name? I mean Oda, cause I never introduced myself during that time. "Ummmm...... Did I told you I knew you before you confessed? Well I noticed you spying and one day you returned a book, I just read the borrowing list and the name is right there. He face palmed himself to hid his embarrassment. "Ritsu, get some rest now, u said as I pat him on the head and he soon drifted asleep leaning to my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and soon fell asleep.

It has been a century since I updated this book. I am sorry if anyone look forward to this *bows 90 degree*

I am now quite into Assassiantion Classroom's KarmaxNagisa and may write one story about it soon

Bye for now

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