Chap 1 The land of the water god

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Hey my name is Ruby I'am just a normal village girl I live with my dad. My dad doesn't care about me I know that because he always tells me how useless I am and I can't smile because I lost my mom, when I was seven read my story and find out what Happens to me.

(Grandma)" Ruby your father and I need to talk to you, we have something important to tell you."
(Ruby)" ah okay you sound pretty serious"
(Father)" we're sending you to the water god, he's looking for a bride and since your so useless you might as well help us out here."
(Ruby)" Why do I have to do it, what is he giving you if you do this"
(Grandma)" well he's giving us rain, he's been in such a bad mood that he's given us an offer."
(Father)" We give him a bride, that's you and he gives us rain, your leaving tonight."
(Ruby) "Grandma why I though you of all people would say no to this"
(Grandma)" normally I would but we really need the rain for the crops, I'am so sorry Ruby."
Why would the water god Usui want me I'am just a nobody, I can't even smile what's so good about me.

(Ruby)" Your saying all I need to do is fall down this magic well and I will be in the castle."
(Grandma)" Yes, please once you do get married come visit me."
There all lies no one will miss me I know that for a fact, here I go down the well.
It was so bright, as soon as I got out of the well I see a mystical land with loads of colourful flowers, and an amazing blue sky.
(Ruby)" Wow so this is the land of the gods, Torenia it's such a Beautiful place
even though I'am not smiling on the outside, I'am smiling on the inside."
(Nic)" You must be Ruby"
(Ruby)" yes I'am Ruby who might you be"
(Nic)" I'am Usui's knight, my name is Nic I will take you to Usui, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask." 

(Ruby)" Um okay thanks, so this is the castle I will be living in here right"

(Nic)" yes you will, And I must warn you there are a lot of creatures here who would love to eat you. If your in trouble please call me and I will help you."

Wow he's so polite, maybe I can really count on him, I wonder what the water god Usui is like. Nic opened the door and there he is.

(Nic)" Your majesty I have brought you you're bride" 
(Ruby)" hello your majesty, looks like I will be your bride."
(Usui)" You know you could look a bit happy that your here, like smile" 
(Ruby)" I'am sorry your majesty I can't smile, I lost my smile when my mother died. It's like an illness"

 (Usui)" oh I see I'am sorry, I would love to have you as a bride if you will accept me."(Ruby)" That's why I've come here your majesty, you made a deal with my grandma and my father. Stating if you got a bride which is me, that you will let it rain at the village." 

(Usui)" Ah yes I remember and please call me Usui, your majesty is so formal"

(Ruby)" ah okay, Usui.

Read part 2

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