Chap 2 Kidnapped

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It's  morning I was surprised when Usui showed me to my room,I thought he would sleep with me, guess he's not a bad guy after all. Something smells so good,
(Usui)" good morning silly me I had so much on my mind yesterday that I forgot to ask for your name." 

(Ruby)" My name is Ruby" (Usui)" wow Ruby what a pretty name, come sit the maids have prepared breakfast."

(Ruby)" Everything here looks delicious thank you." 
(Nic)" Your majesty, I just got news that there are some demons coming and soon will be attacking, what are your orders."
Wow demons attacking I know I should be scared but I'am not, I've never seen a demon before.
(Usui)" Get my men to surround the castle, make sure no demon gets in this castle." (Nic)"Yes  sir" 
(Usui)" I'am sorry if this has frighten you" 
(Ruby)" I'am not scared, I'am kinda exited"
(Usui)" you really are a strange girl, I like that about you."
What is he saying liking that I'am strange, I'll take that as a complement

(Ruby)" Usui I was surprised when you said you wouldn't be sleeping in the same room as me, that's when I knew you weren't a bad guy after all" 
(Usui)" I will only sleep in the same room as you if you want me to, only if you shall ask that of me then I will."

 (Ruby)" What a gentlemen you are, thank you"

(Usui)" will you be exploring the castle Ruby"
(Ruby)" yes I am going exploring, there are just so many things I have yet to see."
(Usui)" Alright just don't go outside, because there are demons coming so watch out"
(Ruby)" okay"

as I walk away I seem to notice someone in my room
(Ruby)" excuse me who might you be"
(Demon)" I'am here to take you to my master."
(Ruby)" What"

I need to find Usui,  he's grabbing me by the arm, what the, I'am..... In a sack
(Ruby)"Help help can someone here me!!"
(Demon)" hahaha no one can here you, say bye to being a bride hahaha"

(Usui)" Mmm where is Ruby it's getting dark and I can't find her wait no she can't have been...... captured by that bastard. Nic you and I are going to the demons castle!"
(Nic)" WHAT why would you go there!"
(Usui")" a demon captured Ruby, that's got to be the only reason she's not here!"
(Nic)" Or maybe she just left, your majesty she didn't look pleased to be here."
(Usui)" She can't smile that's why she didn't look pleased, and I know that she wouldn't  do such a thing!"
(Nic)"yes your majesty"
(Usui)" I know that you are very protective oh me Nic but you can trust her"
(Nic)" it's just hard to see you grow up so fast."
(Usui)" I know, and no matter what happens you will always be by my side."
(Nic)" Thank you Usui, now let's go save Ruby."

(Ruby)" Hey what are you doing let me go ugh"
(???)" hello Ruby, happy to see me"
(Ruby)"No way!"

Read part 3

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