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"Too dangerous!?" Marco spats, kicking some dirt on the sidewalk. "She rejects me because I'm too dangerous!?"
Marco angrily shoves his hands into the pockets of his favorite red hoodie.
Jackie Lynn Thomas, the girl Marco has been asking out for years now, has finally officially said no.
Marco sighs and glares at the ground.
Suddenly, he stops in his tracks.
Buried in the grass, peeking out from a bush, something shiny catches his attention.
Marco raises an eyebrow and walks over. He picks up the shiny object.
It is a very fancy, almost unearthly pair of scissors.
"Huh," Marco grunts, examining it.
He tosses it in the air and catches it as he continues his walk home.
He randomly starts snipping the air with it as Jackie's rejection plays over and over in his mind.
Suddenly, he hears a loud zipping sound.
He turns his head to see he has just snipped a hole in the universe.
"Ah!" Marco yells, jumping back.
But soon, excitement and curiosity fills his being.
He grins.
He jumps in.
Star groans as she stares out her castle's bedroom window.
She wears her hair up in a bun and glances over at her dusty dimensional scissors sitting on her dresser.
"Maybe...maybe Tom is right," Star says aloud, standing up. "Maybe I do need more adventure in my life,"
After a moment of hesitation, Star's expression changes to a determined grin, and she grabs her scissors.
She dashes down the stairs right past her mother and father, who stare at her in surprise as she rushes by; Star doesn't normally run unless there is a royal meeting she's late to or a ballroom dance.
Star bursts through the castle doors and snips a portal, jumping through.
Star gasps as she jumps into another dimension.
She widens her eyes at the new scenery that unfolds around her.
There are small but nice houses and and people dressed in strange clothes walking up and down concrete slabs we call sidewalks.
Star doesn't know it, but she has officially entered Earth.
"Wow...!" Star gasps, glancing around.
"Too dangerous!?" Star hears someone yell.
Star yells in surprise and hides behind a bush before the red hooded boy can see her.
"She rejects me because I'm too dangerous!?" the boy yells again.
Star sweats as he walks nearer to the bush, so she quickly scrambles to hide behind a tree.
Little did she know that she dropped her dimensional scissors on the way.
The boy glances over at the bush she was previously hiding in, and walks over. He picks up Star's dimensional scissors.
"No!" Star gasps, but covers her mouth with her hand.
She quietly follows him as he walks further down the sidewalk with her scissors.
She cringes as he throws it up into the air and catches it.
Then, the unbelievable happens.
He opens a portal.
"No no no no no!" Star whispers, biting her nails. "The one time I do something adventurous!"
Then the next most unbelievable thing happens. The boy jumps in.
Star yells as she dives into the portal after him.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading!! Comment your thoughts, and I hope you like it so far!!(╹◡╹)♡-infinite_starco

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A/N: Thanks so much for reading!! Comment your thoughts, and I hope you like it so far!!(╹◡╹)♡

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