#1 road trip

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One day, baby, we're just gonna get in your car and make a road trip. All the way from Oslo to my city. We're gonna see the places you can't spot from the plane. I'll have my guitar and you'll have your camera.
Because your car is quite old, we listen to mixtapes. Like, real mixtapes. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Kansas. We never have to fight about the songs. They're all great.
We'll change positions every few miles. I love to drive, but I get exhausted too quickly.
Whenever we see something interesting we stop and turn over. You take pictures of nature, buildings, or me. We don't follow one path. We don't want to take the fastest way. When we start we don't even know how long this whole thing is gonna take. It won't be too long -- we thought -- and only packed one backpack each.
Once we're hungry we start looking for a bakery of some sort to get ourselves some breakfast. We find a little one in a small town that makes homemade bread. Okay, it's just bread but it's the best fucking bread we've ever had in our mouths.
After that we decide to actually get some miles on the highway. The sun is coming out. We're jamming to Can't Stop in the car. The other drivers look seriously concerned. Once we spot a sign that promises some kind of sight we drop our entire plan and leave the highway. Same procedure as always, we get out, you take pictures, we change positions.
We return to the highway; but only until we get hungry again and look for some pizza to go. We have that pizza while driving. I, shotgun, feed you. After lunch we get deep into some talks about the meaning of life and stuff. This conversation is soon disturbed by me -- I've spotted the ocean in the far. We leave the highway to drive right next to the sea and start looking for a nice spot. Abandoned, lonely. Nothing really made for camping. We just park there. I need to feel the ocean around me so I just strip down to the underwear and run into the water. Of course I regret this decision after seconds. You just laugh at me and hand me a blanket. While I am heating up again you make a little campfire. Once it burns and warms our bodies we grill fish, corn or bread. We watch the sun set perfectly in front of us. As it gets dark I play a few songs on my guitar, always the same ones but you love them. We maybe even pop a bottle of wine and sing to my music as the alcohol kicks in.
Even though it's pretty fucking cold out there we stay sitting in the back of the open trunk until the fire burned down.
We just sleep in the back of the car. It is neither comfortable nor warm but we have each other and that's all that matters. We'll talk for an eternity -- the wine made us philosophers. Close to midnight we'll fall asleep in each other's arms.

I take suggestions when I like them. No fanfictions though. Feel free to comment what you'd like to read next.
Over and out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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