My Black-Suited Savior...

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BASSY'S (Sebastian's) POV~

"Why won't you let me die?" Then she fainted. I started to cry and held her close "(Y/N)...I'm sorry...please be okay!!"

She was losing a lot of blood.
I needed to fix that,
I set her on the bed and kissed her sweet, plump lips, tears still running down my face.
I went to the bathroom and got some towels to stop the bleeding. When I came back in she was pale and her breathing was slowing.
"(Y/N)!! Stay with me! I pressed the towels to her wounds and when the bleeding stopped, healed her them. Me being a demon of course I can do that with a simple touch. But instead I kissed them, a sign of my love.
I waited awhile for her to wake up. And noticed it was now pitch black out. Until I saw a flash of what I thought was... A red...coat...'oh no,' "BASSY!!! MY DARLING WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!? You must have known I was going to be here!! How romantic!!!" Suddenly I was pushed to the ground by a certain Red-headed Grim reaper...
"GRELL?! dammit what are you doing here?" "I could ask the same about you BASSY, now...KISS ME!!" I pushed him off "Dammit! I asked why you were here!" "Oooooo, playing hard to get I see, sexy! Ok Bassy! I'll play along" 'God I hate this guy...woman...thing..." "If you must know, this woman is on the death list!!! I'm here to collect her soul!!" "WHAT?!? No!!! You can't!" "Sorry Bassy, but I'm already in a bunch of trouble with Will. I need to bring her back with me" I stepped in front of the transvestite and gritted my teeth. "I. Won't. Let. You. Take. Her." "Oh Bassy! You really don't have a choice...unless," that's when my eyes lit up. "Unless what!?" "Unless you kiss me." "W-what?" "Yes or no sweetheart?" 'You're doing this for (Y/N) Sebastian... ' "Ugh!! Fine!!" I then grabbed GRELL and smashed my lips to his. He tried to deepen the kiss but I wouldn't let him. Finally I pulled away, "Oh Bassy! Very forceful I see!...I like it." "Your taking her off the list right?" "I'll keep my word Bassy, for now anyways..." He then winked at me and jumped out the window.
'I can't believe I kissed that man. Disgusting!' (No offence to transvestite people or anything!!! But GRELL is indeed a cross dresser. Who Sebastian doesn't like.)

But then I looked to (Y/N)...her breathing was returning to normal now, shouldn't be long until she wakes up...

~Your POV~


"Gerard!!" What are you doing?!"

"What? I can't pick out my fiancée a dress for the day?"

I was back in my old room. Sitting on my bed, Gerard going through my closet. Me still in my nightgown. And him coming to wake me up like usual. I was laughing at the fact he had one of my bows in his hair, I remember before he left we were engaged!!! Secretly though- my father would never approve...but once I was of age we planned to run away together.

"Hahhahah! Gerard!! Get that out of your hair! You look ridiculous!!"

"Uh...I can't,"

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean. It's kinda...stuck..."

"Really? You doofus! Come here darling,"
He walked over to me with a giant pink bow attached I his hair.

"Wow you really got this thing stuck!!"

I couldn't pull the bow out of his hair. And I kept tugging

"Ow!!! That hurts!!"

"Oh calm down, it's almost there"

I did get the bow out but I tugged really hard and he ended up landing on me, so now he was on top of me, and we were both on my bed.

*Blushes* "Uhm..G-Gerard..." But he kept staring in my eyes, and brought his lips to mine. " Your so beautiful, I'm the luckiest man in the whole world..." He whispered in my ear, and kissed me again, but things were getting hot and heavy really fast- and eventually my hand was entangled in his hair and his hand on my waist, the other holding me close to him. He then started kissing my neck and nibbling. Which I was okay with. Until he grabbed my butt.. "Gerard...we need to stop," he then looked up at me "Why?" "Because...I'm not comfortable with being touched like that yet..." I was blushing and embarrassed "Okay darling, I understand. I'm not going to make you do something your uncomfortable with" and he smiled that pearly, beautiful smile and I hugged him close to me..."I love you Gerard..." "I love you too (Y/N)

~The memory fades..

That was my favourite memory of us.

Suddenly I was blinded by a piercing white light. And I saw my family, Mother,Father, Rachel and Vincent. They were all there...

"(Y/N) your so beautiful" I heard my mom say,
"Dear...if I would have known Gerard loved you this much I would have indeed let you be together..."
After I heard my dad say that I started running toward them and crying "STOP!!" Vincent yelled "Wh-...what?!" "(Y/N)...if you come any closer you will be joining us, you still have much to live for..." Aunt Rachel soon added, "What do you mean?" "Sebastian...Gerard, whatever you want to call him does love you!! But he only wanted you to move on from him, he thinks you deserve better than him. He believes he's a monster..." "He...loves me?" I smiled but soon I saw the light start to dim... I saw they were all crying. "MOM, DAD, AUNT RACHEL,UNCLE VINCENT PLEASE DON'T GO!!!" "We love you (Y/N) we will see you again someday... " And with that, they were gone. And I was left alone in the darkness...

Sebastian's POV~

"D...don-don't g...!" I turned around and saw
(Y/N) talking in her sleep. She looked afraid though, I ran to the side of her bed and took her hand, gently though-it should still hurt some. I felt her squeeze my hand. "(Y/N) please...wake up" I stayed like that for about an hour and a half, until I felt her twitching. When I looked up I saw her eyes open but she wasn't awake. '(Y/N) wake up!' Until I heard a voice, "S...sebastian...." That got my attention for sure. "(Y/N) are you okay!?" She nodded yes but looked at her wrist "Sebastian...I'm so sorry" and she started crying. Taking her into my arms I held her close "It's okay (Y/N)... But please never do that to me again" " I promise Sebastian..." We stayed like that for awhile. Just embracing each other. Telling each other were never leaving again. And saying we love each other.

Your POV~

He was back into my life again...he actually stayed here beside me. "Sebastian...stay here tonight..." "Of course my dear" and he crawled into bed with me. I fell asleep in his arms

Short update ik.

A Demons Lost Love...*Sebastian Michealis x reader LEMON*Where stories live. Discover now