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Third Person POV

"Where are we!?" DanTDM screams, "And where's Jemma!? I swear if you hurt her......" He's cut off by a creepy noise.

Then, a voice speaks, "You're all here for a reason. Please, be patient. You'll find out soon. Dan starts crying. The thought of something bad happening to Jemma is too much for him. Others start talking as well.

"Where's Jen!!?" Yells Pat, "And let us go!"

"Never," the voice speaks, "you see, I want to be famous. And I need money. How do I get it? Simple. I kidnap your loved ones. So, give me your channels."

"No!" Matthias exclaims, "I worked so hard on all of my channels, and I'm not giving them up!"

"Well," the voice says, "your loss." A screen pops up in front of the youtubers. On it is a young woman, and a little baby. Matthias starts crying. It's his wife Amanda and their daughter Luna. He starts crying harder.

"Don't hurt her!" He exclaims, "Please."

"I won't," the voice says, "as long as you give me your channels."

"Never!" Matt exclaims.

"Ok, who's next?" Asks the voice, "Let's see..." And the screen changes. It's a guy with long brown hair and a beard. Bunny starts crying. It's her boyfriend Dogman.

"Don't.... Hurt..... Him....." She pleads, "please."

"If you just give me your channel," the man says, "he'll be ok. But if not...." He snaps his fingers, and the screen goes black, "He dies." She buries her face in her arms and sobs.

"Ok, so what about Jemma!" Dan exclaims, "What did you do to her!?"

"Nothing," he smirks, "yet." Tears drip down his face.

"Don't hurt her," he whispers, "please."

"Just give me your channel and everything will be ok."

"No!" Dan screams, "I won't let you have it! And I won't let you hurt her!"

"Fine," the voice says, "let's play a game. You have one day to find your loved ones."

"And if we don't?" Pat asks.

"It's simple. They die. You know, you could just give me your channels and nothing will happen to them."

"No!" Matt exclaims, "We won't let you have them."

"Fine," the voice says creepily, "your loss." Then it fades away and disappears......

"Ok," Dan says, "we need to stick together if we want our loved ones to be ok. I can't lose Jem."

"Let's split up!" Matt exclaims. "I will go with you, Dan, and Bunny can go with Pat."

"Um....." Pat looks over at Bunny, sceptically.

"Sounds great!" She exclaims. "I'd love to be with you! You could protect me, you look super strong!"

"If it helps me find Jen quicker, I'm all for it." Pat says.

"Let's go," says Matt. "We have to hurry. We only have all day." He grabs Dan's hand and pulls him to the left. Bunny and Pat go right.

"I hope she's ok," Dan says, "what if he's hurt her!?"

"What about Luna!?" Matt asks worriedly, "Hopefully he put her with Amanda."

"So you have a child?" Dan asks.

"Yep," Matt answers. "that's Luna. Amanda is my wife."

"Aww," says Dan. "I bet she's so cute! I'd love to meet her!"

"I'm sure she'd love to meet you, too." Matt says. "And so would Amanda."

"So would Jem!" Dan exclaims with a smile. "Friends?" He asks, holding out his hand. Matt smiles, and shakes it.

"Friends," he replies.


"Hey Pat, do you work out?" Bunny asks. "You certainly look like you do. Your super buff!! And do you have any kids? Probably not, cuz most youtubers don't. Maybe you have a pet? A cat even? Me and Dogman have a cat named Boris. He's black. I used to have ManCat, but he ran away and never came back. I still miss him."

"You remind me of someone," Pat says with tears in his eyes.

"Who?" Bunny asks, "Ooh, can I guess!?"

"My wife Jen," Pat answers. "She's crazy. But I love her. No, actually, she's insane. Like you. But in a good way, you know?"

"Yeah," Bunny looks down at the ground, then back up at Pat. "You kinda remind me of Dogman. He's quiet, and shy, like you. And he's very handsome." Pat blushes.

"Thank you," he says, "I think that was a compliment." Bunny laughs.

"It was," she says, "it was." They keep walking in the same direction. It's getting darker. After a while, Pat bends down and picks up a ring.

"We're going the right way!" He exclaims, "I found Jen's wedding ring." Bunny looks over at him.

"I found one of Dogman's hairties," she says, "over here...." The paths split up. You could go left, or right. Jen's ring is on the right, and Dogman's hairtie is on the left. "We can't split up!" Says Bunny, "I'm scared. We can't go on our own!"

"I know!" Pat replies. "Maybe we can go to Jen first, then to Dogman?"

"But what if it's too late when we get to him?" Bunny asks.

"Then we need to split up," says Pat. "As much as I don't want to, we have to."

"Wait...." Bunny picks up a necklace off the ground. It is half of a heart, with a D on it. "D for......"

"Dan!" Pat interrupts, "it must be Jemma's necklace! We need to tell him!"

"But how?" Asks Bunny.

*Back With Matt And Dan*

"I'm scared," Dan whispers. "I don't want to lose her. She's my best friend, my wife, my everything. I can't live without her."

"Don't worry," Matt replies, "we'll find her. And Amanda and Luna. I promise." He smiles, making Dan feel better.

"Wait....." Dan says, looking ahead. There's a sparkle in the distance. He walks up to it, Matt following close behind. "Look, there's Bunny and Pat! What's she holding?" He looks at the necklace in her hand, walking up to her.

"Dan!" Pat exclaims, "is this Jemma's necklace!?" Dan starts crying as Bunny hands him the necklace. He turns it in his hands, inspecting it. It's Jem's. Carefully, he unclips it and puts it around his neck, the two halfs of hearts snapping together.

"You'll be ok Jem," he whispers, "I promise."

"Let's see...." Says Bunny, "we found Jen's ring, Dogman's hairtie, and Jemma's necklace. What about Amanda?" Matt's eyes are stone cold, looking out into the distance. A small pacifier lays on the ground. Luna's pacifier.

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