Ch. 1 - Obsessing Over Luna

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"Colette!! Did you see the new My Little Pony episode Saturday??!"

"Of course. I am obsessed ya know."

I growl. She thinks she's a bigger fan than me when I'm the one who introduced the show to her AFTER I watched it for 2 years!!! Jerk much?

I nudge my best friend in the ribs and she immediately scowls at me.

"What?! I'm trying to read here!"

Well then.

"Did you wake up early to see it? I did!! It is so worth it every week."

"There is more to life than MLP."

"Says 'Miss Obsessed'."


"It's true."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is. Real obsessed fans get up super early to watch the show!! You sure you're an obsessed fan?"

"I am- I just- NEVERMIND."

I smirk, knowing I got her.

Suddenly, my favorite My Little Pony character pops into my mind. I think about her just about everyday.

I bet you don't. I glare at my best friend. I'M the biggest fan of Luna.

No one else loves that alicorn as much as I do.

Princess Luna, the princess of the freakin night. Awesome much?


Colette suddenly has one of her moments where she just.. Does.

"Think before you do, C," I snicker as a cute guy sitting nearby gives Colette a weird look."

"Shut up Stella."

I laugh out loud.

People swirl around us, lunch trays in hand. Everyone who had brought their lunch were already seated.

"Hi guys!!"

Destiny Yearling smiles at us from her place in front of us. She's the sweetest girl on the PLANET!! She's also one of the smartest girls in our grade. She's liked by every teacher and is sweet to everyone no matter what. Although she's a bit loud at times, she's an amazing friend.

She reminds me of Princess Cadance. So sweet, full of unconditional care and love.

"HERREE'S SIERRA!!" Sierra Karen shrieks giddily as she approaches us. She hurtles herself in front of a guy that was about to take her "spot."

She has on a huge smile. Her naturally deep dimples show off as she beams with excitement.

"Sorry, it's just this is so intense!"

I chuckle.

"Lunch.. Is intense?"

She's also quite weird. But she's always happy and super fun and sweet to be around.

She's a Pinkie Pie.

"Look at this awesome Princess Luna I drew. She's so awesome. If I were any character, I'd totally be Luna."

Colette begins to pull a piece of perfectly folded paper out of her pocket.

Anger boils inside of me.

COLETTE THINKS SHE IS SUCH A HUGE FAN. I loved Luna before her and NOTHING can change that. SO SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE, C.

I wish I could yell in her face right now.

But it would reveal all if the anger and regret that I have inside..

All the jealousy.

I try not to show it, but I REALLY wish that I had never, ever showed My Little Pony to Colette. She steals ALL OF MY FAVORITE THINGS.

It's unbelievable.

And so annoying.

Now I may be acting childish, but Princess Luna means the world to me. She is basically my entire personality all packed into one little pony.

Luna is my favorite pony. I'm the biggest fan. Have a I mentioned?

I begin to growl as Colette rambles about Luna to some of her friends that also like My Little Pony. Sometimes, I freakin hate her guts.

I AM Princess Luna. No one else>:)

A/N: Ok, so if you're confused, Stella is kind of like "obsessed" with Princess Luna. If you haven't noticed already:P.

She's obsessed to the point where it's unhealthy. But yah. Her and Colette both love MLP a lot. And they both love the same character.. And they annoy the crap out of each other sometimes..

Well yeah, hope you'll keep reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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