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So here question from @emorain like I said.

1. What have you always wanted? And have you ever got it? To: whatever creepy pasta

LJ(laughing jack) ; ALL THE CANDY IN THE WORLD! And I have a lot but not all.

Me/ Ryan (girl btw): if you see all the candy in the world you'll die from a Cesar.

Lj: way to kill the mood Ryan

Ryan: my pleasure *wink*

2. What was the first thought you had this morning? to any CP again


Ryan: that's all you think about let someone else give an answer

Ej/ eyeless jack: kidneys?

Ryan: NO!

Ben: I was thinking about you when I woke up *wink*

Ryan: *slaps Ben* okay let's just go on the the last question

3. Who is your favorite online friend? To me

Ryan: really? Okay you are emorain aka Jenna. ^3^

Okay bye ask more questions thx

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