Friday the 13th - 5/5/17

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Mkay so it wasn't actually Friday the 13th but it's was pretty close (Friday the 5th). Started off like any other day, just waking up at 8:03am, being slightly late to school, the usual. Got to school, did all the dandy stuff like creepily staring at my crush and whatnot. Math sucked, I basically slept and melted in my chair with jealousy because nobody loves me (jk). It all went down hill in Science. I sat at my desk all cheery and trying to stay positive but I can't help but stare at my ducking crush giggling with his fricking blonde perfect freaking crush, which also happens to be one of my bestfriends. I try to stay as calm as possible but I can't, then it gets worse. We go it groups to work on questions and I act all pissy to the perfect blonde betch, and she asks what's wrong. We argue for a whole 10 sum minutes and she asks if I mad, sad, jealous, etc. I say I'm jealous and she asked about what. She knew it was about her. I said nothing I didn't want to hurt her feelings because genuinely it's not really her fault that he likes her. So she said "it's because ____ likes me and not you, isn't it? Because you said it's just the way I am." And I shrugged. So then this idiot comes over and talks about some dumb thing his friend said. Then the blonde girl says that if I don't tell her what's wrong she's telling the dude who I like. I yell at her and starts pushing pencils up by her lip, and she tells him. He didn't hear it exactly, but he knows I'm pretty sure. I emotionally break down and start tearing up and we go back to our seats. I'm literally about to burst into tears and then my crush walks over to me, taps on my shoulder, and says "Gabby... Gabby? Okay haha I guess not" because I don't respond. I literally want to crawl up in a ball and die. We're dismissed from Science, and I put my stuff at my locker, and run into the bathroom and cry my fricking eyes out. As I'm walking to the bathroom a girl from my class yells "Gabby! Someone is gonna take your phone!" At that point while in the bathroom I questioned why I cared anymore. Why I tried. It didn't matter because I never be good enough, not for my friends, but for anyone. I got out of the bathroom, and headed to gym. In the locker room I was basically still crying and my nicest friend asked what was wrong. I said nothing although she knew something was wrong. I went back into the bathroom to cry and proceeded. I was the pissiest bitch ever and was a total jerk, then realized I had no clue where my $700 phone was. No clue. My dad, would literally murder me. After gym I went to my locker to get my lunch and basically knew my phone went missing. I didn't talk at all during lunch, but eventually at one point it was just me and blondie. She talked about how she knew it was because my crush was basically in love with her and she couldn't do anything about it. I don't know why she bothered, all it did was make me wanna die (not literally). After lunch it got a little better, but not really because I still knew my crush didn't like me but that's not really and issue anymore because I accepted it. Anyways, I ended up finding my phone because a nice girl put it in my binder. Thanks Kylie! Gotta go, thanks for reading 632 this word story.

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