Chapter.1 Bea

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"Positive" I whispered to myself.

I sat down on the floor with my back against the wall. That one single word kept echoing in my head.

Positive. Positive. Positive

I couldn't believe it. It was just to much. Please don't let this be true. I sat there for a minute or two, just thinking and worrying. After awhile I got up, went through the drawers took out and another pregnancy test. And there it was again. That one single little word I was desperately hoping not to see.


I left the bathroom and went to my room. I laid there, trying to let all this heavy information sink in. This explains why I haven't been feeling good, and why my period was not coming. I've been feeling lightheaded and felt like throwing up, but I though it was just a common flu or sickness that was passing around. How was I going to tell Niall? What will he do? Will he leave me? Will he be happy, sad, terrified even? I have to tell him either way, but how. Should I just straight say it or try to hint it. There are so many ways to do it but no way seems right. Or how about I just don't tell him immediately. Wait it out see what happens, I mean you can never trust these pregnancy test thing, it could be wrong. I need to tell someone though.

I got up, changed, got my keys to my Tardis blue Jeep, and drove to the flat of the only person I could trust right now. Liam, he was a good person and very trustworthy, I would tell the other boys but I feel like they might slip up and accidentally tell Niall .


I arrived at Liam's flat and parked in the visitors parking. Liam lives on the second floor so it was easy to see that he was home. Judging by the flickering lights coming from the telly and the sound of Liam's voice coming out through the window. I got the spare key he gave me to open the front gate and walked to his flat. Flat number 2A. I knocked on his door and in no more than 5 seconds he was there at the door. The door opened to show a tall, just-got-out-of-the-shower Liam. I ran into his arms and hugged him like there was no tomorrow. I must have caught him off guard because he stumbled a bit when I hugged him. Even though Liam didn't know what was wrong or why I was here he hugged me back and lead me to the the sofa. That's the thing I adore about Liam, he comforts you till your ready to talk about your problems. He is like a special brother to me, he can look at my face and know something's wrong and vice versa. We were like siblings that cared deeply about each other.

"Bea, love. What's wrong? Are you ok?"

I looked up at him and tried to figure out what I was going to say and how. He was going to be the first one to hear my big secret. I stared down at the floor and tried sorting out my thoughts. What if he doesn't accept me anymore? What if he tells the rest of the boys and they all find me disgusting and leave me? How will I survive all of this? All these questions where swirling and twirling through my head. Filling me with doubt, making me just want to lie and not tell him what's really wrong. I was absolutely terrified.

"Bea. Your scaring me, your never this quiet. Seriously what's wrong?" Liam's voice was starting to fill with worry and I was seriously considering just telling him a lie.

"Bea, please. Talk to me." Now he was beginning to shake me a little. Well it was now or never.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered/mumbled

"What? Bea you need to speak louder. I can't hear a word your saying" He was beginning to worry now. Typical but also normal. I loved how Liam looked after a person he cared about.

"I'm pregnant Liam." I still mumbled but I was a bit louder this time.

"What?" His voice filled with shock and confusion. "Are you serious? Your not just pulling my leg right now are you?"

I looked him straight in the eye and this thine without hesitation I said. "I'm pregnant, Liam. I'm going to have Niall's baby.

We stayed there quiet, listening to the minutes tick by. It must have been just a few minutes but felt like an eternity. Liam wasn't saying anything, and it was beginning to worry me.

"Liam. Please say something." I begged. But he was still quiet. "Liam. Please say anything, like 'okay' or 'wow' but don't stay silent.

"I.. I don't know what to say." He looked at me and held my hands in his own.

"You don't have to say what you feel right now..... Just please don't leave me."

"No, why would you say that. I'll never leave you. That idea has never crossed my mind." He brought me closer to me and hugged me tightly. He whispered in my ear. "I would never leave you. I care about you to much to do that." He stroked my hair and put his chin on top of my head.

"So when and how are you going to tell Niall?" He asked.

"I don't know how or even when I'm going to tell him, but it sure isn't any time soon."

"He's going to find out eventually. How are you going to explain the bump when it starts to grow?"

"I'll just tell him that I'm getting a little chubby from eating to much. You know how much we love to cook and eat food."

He sighed. I looked at him and he looked back at me. He then laid me down on the other end of the sofa so he could put his head against my stomach. He lifted my shirt just a bit and started to poke it.

"I'm going to be an uncle."

"And I'm going to be a mom."

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