The Last Chapter Chap 1

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He was sitting in the far end corner of the library. Asleep rather unaware. Or maybe.. He couldn't care less. Books lied, surrounding him. There's a book on his lap. Open with the pages flipping as the suttle gush of wind came from the open window above him. The curtain flowing smoothly with the wind. My eyes perfectly glued on him, now. Nothing else really mattered. Only him. His lips were parted. His chest swelling in ease breathing. His straight dark hair fell across his features..



Kyle Martin.

The guy whom I am..


In LOVE with.

I'm Charles Andrew Miller.

3rd year.

16 years old.

Chapter 1


I clutch onto my dslr. With trembling hands.. I finally press the shutter. I finally was able to capture him. This close.. With his own world. His own secluded world he made himself. Kyle. I grew liking over with such a trivial thing. Though, because of that I couldn't think well. All my thoughts.. were only filled with him. I wonder what he's doing. What he's reading. Or where he always go so far into the depths of our huge library. Now.. Here I found him. I always take pictures of him.. Far far away and I'll always hide right after. Feeling my heart pound against my chest.




And it'll go faster.


Continuously.. Like it'll stop any moment.

Like this..

I found out what love is.

"C'mon nerd. Come and get it."

"Give it! Please!" I felt my lungs and chest tigthened. My breathing started to wheez. I couldn't..


I fell on my knees when I heard those guys yelled out in pain and run off almost whimpering like a kicked puppy.


Such a gentle voice..

He took my hand and handed me my inhaler. I took in a deep breath using my inhaler as he rub onto my back. He help me got up on my feet and when my teary eyes met his deep ocean blue eyes.. I frozed.

"Are you okay?"

I open my mouth to speak.. but no words came out.

"Your cheeks are red." He..

Touched me? His hand touching the flesh of my cheeks in a featherly touch.

I jerk away and cup my blushing cheeks.

"I-I'm okay! T-thank you."

He just eyed me.. Seemingly believing my words. I'm also

doubting my words as well.

My heart was beating so fast! W-what's going on?

"Thank you again."

I said with urgency and storm off. Dashing as fast as my feet can take me.

The Last ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now