Chapter 2: Get out of my head!!!!

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Sam pov

Sitting in class while the teacher was talking, I was daydreaming about.... what am I wasting my time on these days. All ever since the encounter with her. It feels as if...we've met before, like in a past life you know? *sigh* Well at least class is over now. "Hey Sam!" She said in an adorable voice. I snap out of my daydream and say, "Oh hey Jazz!" She checks her schedule, "Oh lunch already? Oh my." "*chuckles* Well that's just how it is here." I reply. We joke, laugh, and tell stories as we walk to the cafeteria.

In The Cafeteria...

Jazz and I are at a table sitting down and talking. "Hey Jazz!" Ty said. "Hey Ty!" She replied. I wave to him and he waves back. I've known him all my life! He takes a seat directly next to Jazz. They start to talk. I'm completely fine with it until lunch ends. Until then they started to talk a lot more. I got very annoyed when school ended. I was just so fed up with Ty talking to Jazz. When I got home I stomped to my room, slammed the door, chucked my backpack, and plopped myself on my bed. My mom knocked on my door, "Honey are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine." I reply in an sarcastically annoyed attitude. "Well if you need me I'm here for you." She says. I don't answer tears of sorrow and anger fills my eyes, and drifted to my cheeks leaving wet marks on my bed.

That Night...

Jazz that's all I could think about Jazz I didn't even eat today, all I had was breakfast and lunch. My mom made food but I didn't go downstairs to eat it. I couldn't even get my homework finished. Jazz filled my mind, every time I tried to think about something else...I couldn't. The topic of Jazz came and gone. It was like torture, everywhere I went every step I took it wouldn't go away. I decided not to go to school the next day. I felt sick and tired of feeling this pain that wouldn't go away. I had to deal with it on my own.........for now

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