Katherine you Are Dead

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Devil: aggghhhhh... my handsome and my creation is awake... rise
"Jackson" rose
Jackson: hello master, what is my first task...
This phrase was spoken in the coldest voice ever, the sentence can send chills down your spine...
Devil: You like it when it's straight to the point right? Then I shall tell you your first task...
The Devil held up a photograph of a girl wearing adidas clothing with her hair down ...
(It was Katherine)
Jackson looked at the photo processing the information given and said...
"I will find her, and kill her!"
Of course Jackson doesn't have any memories of his past life and who this Katherine was but a mission is a mission.
---------------------------------------------- Jackson boarded the plane from China to New York because apparently Katherine is there at a concert... (Katherine had become an idol)
Katherine is an idol and she debuted in the group 3k girlsand the members of this group includes Katherine, Krystal and THE GIRL ...
---------------------------------------------- The girls arrived at the backstage and of course Katherine and the girl isn't friends at all but they have to put up with each other since they are a 'group'.
I wouldn't say Krystal is in the middle of this fight because she doesn't take sides and she is the leader.
Katherine ( stage name: Kath )
Age: 15
Birthday: 12/4/2002
Role: main vocalist and fake visual
Personality: A very very sensitive and nice person on the outside but behind this mask is a girl who is ready to kill anyone.
The girl (Actual name is Katy )
Stage name Katy
Age: 14
Birthday: 28/6/2003
Role: main dancer, maknae, vocalist and probably an actual visual
Personality: Very kind and caring but due to Jackson's death, she is not the bubbly person she was before now she is cold but once you get to know her she is a fun person.
Krystal ( stage name Krystal )
Age: 16
Birthday: 22/11/2001
Role: oldest, leader, main rapper, dancer and vocal
Personality: a very responsible person also bubbly. Gets hyper often. Really likes Katy but tries not to take sides.
----------------------------------------------       Before the concert began and Katherine wanted to go get something from their rest room and left the other two.
Katherine was walking down a corridor and she suddenly heard a loud thud and a shadow appeared in a room in front of her...
----------------------------------------------   Katherine's POV:
Jackson suddenly appeared in front of me.
How come he is still alive? He can't be? I'm the one who lead to his death. He shouldn't be alive.
"Jack.. Jackson? I.. I thought you died..." I stuttered.
"Information can not be processed... I am Jason..." Jackson lookalike responded and soon a cold voice said "Katherine... You are going to die..."
----------------------------------------------     Author's notes:
I know most people don't like this fanfic but I'm going to finish what I started.
Hope at least some people like this
I will update but it will be rarely because I am stressed this year

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