Chapter One

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"What do you guys wanna do? I'm so borreeddd!" i said turning over and laying down on my back, staring up at the celing. I was at my best friend Austin Mahone's house with my other two best friends Alex Constancio and Robert Villanueva, basically just chillin and watching movies.

"I don't know.. what do you wanna do?" Alex asked.

"I don't know! That's why i asked you!" i laughed. Robert's phone went off and he looked down at it.

"Oh guys, i gotta go!" he said standing up. "I'll see you later!"

We all said bye and watched him walk out of the room, yeah were creepers but you guys pretty much knew that, right?

"What's today?" Austin asked. I gave him that are-you-serious look, and answered his question.

"Friday" i said, unlocking my phone and clicking my messages. I had one from Alex that said 'I c u'.

"Really Alex, really?" i said, turning my phone to face him. He just laughed.

"I'm bored" he shrugged.

"We all are" me and Austin said at the same time.

"How about we watch my favorite movie?" i asked, standing up and walking over to my bag. Yes i was sleeping over, and so was Alex. We do it every other weekend, like a group thing. Robert normally does too, but obviously, he left.

"Titanic?" Austin asked.

"Yeahh, why not? I'm bored, your bored, Alex is bored," i said, gesturing to them. "So why not? And besides, tomorrow is the 100 year anniversary of-"

"The ship getting hit by an iceberg. We know" Alex sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Don't get an attitude with me Mr.Constancio." I said pointing at him. "I know your biggest secret after all"

"So? What's the worst thing you could do?" he asked.

"Tell your mom" i said "And Sarah"

"I hate you sometimes" he said giving me a glare and crossing his arms.

"Yeah i know" i said giving him a sarcastic smile.

"Let's just watch the movie!" Austin said.

"Calm yo man boobs boy!" i laughed, putting the movie in.

"Excuse me, but i don't have man boobs" he said rubbing his chest and turning away. "Well at least i don't think i do.."

Me and Alex laughed and i said "You don't. I was just joking"

"Thank god! I was about to say i was going to cut meat out of my diet for like a year" he said.

"Yeah.. you wouldn't do that" Alex said. I nodded. Alex was right by like 1000%, Austin ate stuff like bacon and hamburgers like no tomorrow. There's no way he could live without it.

"Ok yeah your right.." Ausin said. After that the movie started and we silently watched. Especially me. When it came to the part where Jack draws Rose, Austin and Alex put their hands over my eyes saying 'I'm too young to watch stuff like that' and then i slapped their hands and pointed out we were just 2 years apart. But i ended up covering my eyes anyways because i don't like that part too much. After the movie was over, Mrs.Mahone walked in and told us it was time to eat. Mrs.Mahone was like my second mom, and she was super cool. She made the best food ever too, which made all of us love her even more.

"So, how do you like it?" Mrs.Mahone asked.

"It's AMAZING!" i said, digging into her famous grilled steak and baked potatoes.

"I know right?!" Austin said putting a huge forkfull into his mouth.

"What about you Alex? What do you think?" She asked, smiling at him.

"You know what i think about your food Mrs.Mahone." he smiled "Always amazing!"

After we ate, we decided to take a walk down through our neighborhood, yes OUR neighborhood. We all lived on the same street, which was pretty awesome if you ask me. Who wouldn't want to live in the same neighborhood with their bestfriends?

"Aye" Austin said hitting mine and Alex's arm. "We should play truth or dare."

"Eww" i said. I used to love truth or dare, well atleast up until the last time me, Austin, Robert, and Alex played together. It was my turn, so I picked dare. Of course i would because i'm a fearless bitch, and nothing scared me at all. Butttt, Alex dared me to lick Austin's toilet that wasn't cleaned in like over a month and, let me just say, it didn't turn out that well.

"C'mon" Austin said hitting my arm playfully. "There's no toilets around here(;"

"I just don't wanna do any dares. I'm too lazy today" i said, pulling out my phone and finding a text from Cecily, who was one of my best friends. She had like the hugest crush on Alex, but since he was dating Sarah, she couldn't really do anything about it.

"Riiggghhht. I thought Paisley was a 'Fearless Bitch'" Alex quoted with his fingers.

"I am. But seriously guys, i just don't feel like it today" i said, responding to Cecily's 'are you with Alex and Austin?' message. 'Yes' i replied 'Sleeping over at Austin's'

"Okay, how about Never Have I Ever?" Austin suggested.

"That's a game that your supposed to do in private. Were walking through a neighborhood" i said.

Austin and Alex sighed. "Let's go to that place in the woods. You know that big dune?" Alex said, referring to the big dune where we all met when we were just 12 and 14 years old.

"I'm down with that" Austin said. "What about you Pay?"

"Sure" i shrugged. We started walking into the woods and to the big dune. After about 5 minutes of walking, we were at the huge dirt pile. We all sat down on it with me in the middle and Austin and Alex on the sides of me.

"Okay let me start off first" I said, thinking of a really good Never Have I Ever question. I held up both my hands to reveal my 10 fingers, and thought of the question.

"Kay. Never Have I Ever had my first kiss" i started off. Both boys put one finger down, but i kept all of mine up. No i have never had my first kiss, and they both knew it. Well at least if they didn't before they knew now.

"Okay i guess i'll go next" Alex said, starting to think. "Never have i ever drank"

Me and Alex put down a finger, but Austin kept 9 fingers up.

"You guys have drank?!" Austin asked, shockingly.

"Just once. But it was more like a sip of my mom's margarita" i shrugged. Alex just stayed quiet and me and Austin looked at him, waiting for him to answer.

"Oh! You wanted me to tell my story?" He asked, confused. Me and Austin sighed and nodded our heads.

"Well basically i was at a party in 9th grade and... well... i think you guys can put the pieces together." He said. We just nodded and moved on to Austin, who already had one, a REALLY good one.

"Never Have I Ever fell in love with my best friend." he said. I put down a finger, not even looking up at their expressions. Yes i liked one of them, and there was no hiding it now.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (An Austin Mahone&Alex Constancio Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now