Chapter Fourteen

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Alex and me were walking around Walmart, just hanging around. We decided that we will try to forget about what happened a few nights ago with Austin and just try to move on. I wasn't particularly 'with' Alex, but we were kind of together in some way. 

 Austin was upset with our breakup more than i ever could be. HE was the one that left and HE was the one that ignored me, so what was i supposed to do? It's not like i could be with him forever. 

 I've also been getting these DMs on Twitter from Mahomies who are yelling at me because me and Austin broke up, like it was all my fault and not Austin's. Honestly, it did make me upset that they just decided to jump on me and blame our breakup on me just because Austin was tweeting depressing quotes on Twitter. I think that they should find out more info before they start basically bullying me for 'hurting' Austin's feelings, because it's not like i'm an alien- i'm human too. Hate hurts, and i don't think i deserve it because i dated a very popular YouTube star, who just so happened to be my ex best friend. 

 Then it hit me. Austin and i weren't best friends any more, which means that we both broke each other's promise of being best friends even if we did brake up. I felt tears come hot and fast into my eyes, just wanting to call Austin my best friend again. He was an amazing guy, even if he was being a jerk a few days ago. Honestly, if i saw Austin kissing MY best friend, i would be upset too. 

"Alex" i said turning to him. Alex unwrapped his arms from around my shoulders and gave me a worried look.


"I need Austin" i said quietly.

"What do you mean?" he asked suspiciously "Like, you need him as your boyfriend again?"

"No. I just want him to be my best friend again" i mumbled, playing with my phone in my hands. Alex released a relieved sigh and gave me a sad look. 

"How are you going to do that?" 

"I don't know. Maybe we could get Robert in on this.." i said, getting my phone out of my pocket and finding Robert's number. 

"No! We shouldn't. Robert shouldn't be yelled at by Austin for something we did" Alex said, putting a hand on my arm. 

I thought about it and realized Alex was right. Austin would probably yell at him too because he was in on it with us, and i didn't want that to happen. 

"Fine" i said "But i need a really good plan"

Alex and i just sat on the floor in the toys section near the bikes and just thought for awhile. Nobody was really in here today, so we didn't care if anybody saw us sitting on this dirty floor.

Finally, after about 20 minutes, i got what i was going to do.

"I got it!" i said jumping up "We should bake him his favorite cake, but him his favorite pair of shoes, AND take him to Olive Garden"

"Sounds legit" Alex smiled "Do you think that's too simple though?"

"Austin doesn't really like big things so no" i said, walking down the aisle. 

"Aye Pay!" Alex called, standing up and running towards me "You have dirt ALL OVER your ass"

I gave him a playful glare and wiped all of the stuff off of my pants "Better now?"

"Much better" he smiled and winked. I rolled my eyes and took his hand in mine, walking over to the food area and bought a pack of cake mix. We decided on just plain vanilla, just to keep it simple. We also picked out some plain vanilla icing and red icing too, so we could write 'Were Sorry Austin! We love you <3' on it. 

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (An Austin Mahone&Alex Constancio Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now