the beginning

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I was sitting on top of a black car enjoying the nightly breeze, as I watched as my white orbs tear though the abandoned building that was in front of me. Why not a normal building you ask? i don't really like killing people that often and even though it may not seam like it much (a lot) I am actually a bit angry, why? I've got no clue. 

I came out of my thoughts when my ear twitched as I heard people running close behind me. 

I turned my head to see the Teen Titans as Robin yelled "TITANS GO!" as they all sprang into action.

My eyes glow white as a huge cream coloured snake appeared in front of them .

I got off the car and walked around the car so now I was facing the titans and behind the Snake. They looked at the snake as it started attacking them.

Cyborg, Beast Boy and Robin started attacking the Snake while Starfire and Raven were throwing star bolts and heavy things at me but luckily I jumped out of the way before they could hit me.

I created a shield around me and walked back behind the snake and put my hands out.

my eyes glowing I made the snake turn in glowing balls and go after the titans as they were know running around like rabbits trying to destroy the balls.

Once one of my balls touched them it would expand putting them in a force field.

I could hear what they were saying but I didn't bother listening because 1. i would win the fight anyway and 2.  I couldn't of  answer them if I tried.

whoops, did I forget to tell you I'm mute, I have been since I was born.

once everyone was in a bubble I made my force field disappear.

they floated in a circle as I walked in the middle of them. each of them trying to find a way out.

"What do you want with us!' Robin asked angrily.

I just stared up him giving a blank expression. My ear twitched has I heard people talking far away.

"the girl did pretty well against the titans didn't she," a man said I kept listening now looking at the ground.

"yeah she did, she's just like he said, so should I shoot or latter," another voice said my eyes widened as I knew they were talking about me.

I was a little scared. I was so concentrated that I didn't hear Robin say

"hey, I was talking to you"

the Bubbles popped as I used my power to turn into a black cat with a white crescent moon on the left side of my chest.

I turned and ran leaving the confused Titans standing there.

"Shoot," he said, I felt something hit my side.

the last thing a saw was the Titans running toward me as I turned back. I thought to the moon 'please help me...' as it faded black.


Hi Flying1fun wind here

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or anything like that please tell me in the comments.

i tried to edited it but i don't think I did a good job, sorry :(

remember to




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