Stay close to Him

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Stay or loose the one the matters the most than the fight of the wold against all odds he who will be mine my mate my lover my whole being that iam ...............

Wel guys iam righting a new storrie since the fist attemt fail so bare with me and tel me what u thunk firs chaptwr is some what short just the beggining is all about .....wel read and you will see have fum

Chapter 1    The  awakening

Its been a long winter here in kawak a small town near the borders of  the swiss alps  no one imangend this winter to bee so long but its over now and spring came the smell of flowers and life blooming fills the air and sleeping animals awoke from there winter slumber and life begen to rose from there endles sleep .

Laying in bed still smelling the last bit of winter i sat up strait and stretching out letting out a long but good ..aaaahhhhh....

Up and adam my mom yeld from my door time to get drest breakfast is getting cold and  better dont be late fot the fist at youre new school  ......

breakfest was fast just crab an appel and some fruite and bolged for the door to my blue and red pick up just as iam sterting to move something gouth my eye and i stop right there and then i saw him dark brown hair cut like a marine.s hair big shouldwrs thelat would carri the whowl world on it and muchels o my lord .eyes as blue as the see and a smile that will warm even the coldest of days up ...............'

well guys thats the bid i can master so far hope u injoyed it not to warry everything wil fall in place soon

Chapter 2 :Him

Wel schools ive been to were big but this school seems to beat everything id ever seen big walls a fild as big as the most of the airports ive been in and the bildings serounding the school seemd like its been taken out of a 18th centuri book  

Wel as i drove in to the schools parking lot i found a spot near the end of the drive way near the entrince to the sport fields shut down my pick ups engine and began to assend to the big brown doors thats stearing me in the face  

As i open the doors it shot me in the face the place it seemed diffrent in here than outside more like a new build buldung everything is new and  modern even the doors open atonatic .. on my way to the front office  to get my scedule i bump into him jip him that guy i saw this morning ...

Markus Pov

Hey man whatc it look where u  going man some idiots in this school will shorly make  a man  go insane and loose it all ..sorrie the boy sead under his breath seemed some of sad and not knowing where to go ..Thats ok iam Markus Lite but u can call me Ml .Hi Iam Tim Hunter Well  ..but u can call me hunter iam new and it seemed iam a bid lost here iam sorry for noking you and letting you drop youre papers .no its ok no big deal ita just the start of a new year and iam in the badest place on this school grounds to teach o u are a teacher iam sorri didnt see u as one o so if iam yung looking and not looking the teacher tipe iam not one sorri to disapoint u but ya iam a teacher i teach mifology and by the looks on your class sheed you are in my class so u better follow me as you cant realy seemed to find youre way around here ok so i took this boy man what u may call ir he didnt seem to be a boy nor a man more like a inbetween the two he had dark black hair green emarld eyes and a rose coulerd shade in his face almost like sweet peacth and his build like his been working on a farm or something his realy good looking stop that thinking Makus he is a studint and u are a teacher non of that shit  here ... 

So this is it seems we are the firs here and as it would be u may pick the first spot to be seated ill be in the back redding the new books for the class so make your self at home ill be back a bit  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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