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After an unexpected invasion, followed by a harsh war, Nathaniel fell as the last of his kind. The moon's natives - Nathaniel's people - were imprisoned, enslaved and tortured in ways inimaginable to the sane and those with even the slimmest glimmer of hope let in their hearts. Nathaniel, though, had given up long ago, and had forgotten the elders' greatest teaching; 《Find comfort within the stars》. He was lonely and isolated and forgotten.

Most would expect a being starved as he, to live only a few years at the very most. However, Nathaniel's species had been gifted with immortality. Well... in a manner of speatch. Nathaniel's people could not be touched by time. For a while Nathaniel would call this gift a curse disguised, like vanilla. Oh how it smells so sweat but tastes so very bitter. However, that opinion was shortly discarded.

One Night, as he sat upon a throne of cold bones from his fallen brethren, he looked up to the sky only to notice a star had gone, and in it's place left a dark abyss. He reached out to it, but the crunching, clanking and cracking of sckulls ribs and spines quickly reminded him of where he stood. That is the day he realized his eternal life was in fact, a gift. He had finally understood the elders' teachings; tough it had taken hundreds of thousands of years. The stars fade and disappear like any other thing in this vast univers, but there beauty - even in death - was unchallenged. Though Nathaniel's home had become nothing but a desolate, rocky prison, he found a certain beauty in it. One that could be found nowhere else. Not even in the greenest of jungles or the bluest of seas, the piosonisly cold winds that chilled him to the bone brought him a strange sense of security. The sharp pillars of grey rock which once was his people's homes was so dangerously gentle. No other place faced such beautiful destruction. He was the only witness such serenity.

Year after year, malenia after malenia Nathaniel saw the death and birth of countless stars. Not only stars. With those eyes of his - the only eyes like them in the univers - he could see galaxies far way if he wished it. He saw the deaths of diferent solar systems, planets and species he had never thought of looking to. He witnessed countless wars and invasions as he and his people had faced long ago. He saw the life dwindle away from deteriorating planets. It was as if the univers had forgotten him, letting him live a life of solitude for the rest of eternity. The univers that was once so full of excitement slowly lost life, leaving behind nothing but cosmique dust. The univers had left nothing but space, time, and Nathaniel. And in time, the univers itself died. Leaving not but a vast emptiness withing the already overwhelmingly void of nothingness.

And thus came the day a new univers was born, letting life thrive once more.

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