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Fear has ate you up my dear.

You are now blinded because of your past.
You took the last piece now I am uneven .
I trust you with my heart yet I am not allowed to even stroke your precious heart.

I admire you from afar.
My knees give in and I fall apart.
I loved every single aspect of you.
Yet you would not even let me roam your heart

Dear angel that has managed to held captive, my eyes, my heart, my mind, my soul and my breath
I ask you, what does it take for you to let me handle your heart?
You stood there silence piercing through the air as you ignored my question
Did you not know I was ready to fall.

A mind like yours has been trapped for so long
Even a soul like mine could not scream for yours to come out
Please help me and guide me somehow
Because loving you is the greatest pleasure and pain of all.

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