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When Kazuma woke all he could see was white. The blinding colour was all around him, there when he moved his eyes left and right, and there wherever else he looked.

But just as he was about to panic, more colours danced across his vision, a pop of golden yellow and a peachy shade moved into he blankness of the white. The peachy-ness moved towards him and combined with a dot of black, it moved closer and closer until it seemed to place the black dot on his face.

Suddenly he could see. He touched his face and there sat his trusty glasses.

In front of him was Bishamon, who turns out, was standing in front of the blank, white privacy curtains of the infirmary. He laughed internally, cursing himself for almost panicking at the blank white and stared at Veena, who had a worried look on her face as she stared back at him.

Bishamon opened her mouth to speak when suddenly Kasumi shot up from his laying position on the cot. His memory had returned and the corpse, the storm, the giant ayakashi. There were so many things that needed to be taken care of, Kazuma moved to throw of the blankets that covered him, but a hand stopped him.

Kazuma looked up to find Bishamon with tears in her eyes.

"Kazuma, you are hurt enough already" a tear slipped out of the corner of her eye " Please, do not push youself further."

The regalia froze in his motion, sighing as he obeyed Bishamon's wishes, he wanted to help and hated that he was unable to do anything, but nevertheless obeyed the god.

"Veena" he said when he was laying comfortably on the pillows again, " I know that you wish to see to my health, but you have work to do."

Kazuma saw Bishamon flinch at his words but as Bishamon's guide, it was his duty to help his mistress set her priorities straight.

He continued in the topic but this time taking a gentler approach " How did you find me, if I may ask?" He said, easing into it.

Bishamon answered immediately,

"We started to get worried when, you hadn't returned to give your report, so we had everyone start looking for you, since q you're never late, and Kuraha smelt something weird outside the gate .... and " Bishamon paused as if the next part was painful "a-and when he investigated, he found you horribly blighted and covered in blood." She spoke fast as if she didn't want to relive what had happened and Kazuma understood that.

He nodded and began to tell his part, deciding that it was probably best not to tell Bishamon about the details of the Ayakashi beating him up. He told her about the storm and hesitantly about the corpse at one of her shrines and then the barest details of the Ayakashi.

At the mention of the corpse and Ayakashi, Bishamon stood, her white dress swished aound her thin form and she raced out of the privicy curtains, hurriedly thanking him for the report and dissappeared out of Kazuma's view.

Hello, sorry for taking so long to update and I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'm still not he best at writing. ; _ ;

If you don't understand what happened feel free to message me or comment, I haven't written in a while so I'm quite rusty. = ^ =

Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote, comment and share !


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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