The idiot's idea

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He glared at me and continued to scream, "You could have killed someone you colossal fucking idiot! Did you even think someone could have been injured by that? No you didnt!"

I yell back at the same volume and intensity "But no one DID. And I saved the bloody day aren't you just so grateful for that you cynical bastard?!"

His eyes roll back into his head, "Oh my gods why can you never admit when you were in the wrong? You always make excuses and come up with some reason why you were right."

I sneer "because I am right you arrogant asshole. Why do you care so much anyways it's not like there was anyone even there."

"You could have been hurt and you are the only gods damned person in this place that doesn't drive me bat shit crazy," he growls as his fingers comb through his curly hair.

I laugh sarcastically, "well its a good thing the demons didn't kill me then."

His answering glare sends a shiver down my spine "doesn't mean you get to run through town screaming 'Im here mother fuckers come and get me'" he goes back into ranting.

"IT WAS A GOOD IDfffff" I'm cut off by his lips on mine.

On instinct I pull him closer into my lap and wrap my arms around his thin waist. His head tilts to the side and his tongue flicks across my lip as if asking permission. I open my mouth without hesitation and his fingers tangle through my blonde hair.

A soft moan escapes from his lips as my fingers find their way under his shirt and rest against the pale skin underneath. A nip on my lower lip follows the sound and a tug at my hair which has me moaning in response.

He pulls back out of breath and with a wild grin. Judging by the pain in my jaw my smile mirrors his. "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that," I breathe when my breath returns.

He simply bites his lip and blushes, "I have an idea. You annoy the he'll out of me but god damn I want you beneath me."

I raise my eyebrow at the words coming out of the small boy's mouth. Before I say anything though, his mouth is back on mine and I forget how to speak

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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